06-13-11-HSF Minutes Golden Valley Human Services Foundation (GVHSF) Meeting Minutes June 13, 2011 Present: Dan Blumb, Hilmer Erickson, Chris Monroe, Connie Sandler and Toots Vodovoz. Also present:Jeanne Fackler,Staff Liaison. Not Attending: Brenda Hayle, Elissa Heilicher, and Diane Nimmer Call to Order: Chairman Sandler called the meeting to order at 6:38 p.m. May 9 minutes: Erickson moved and Vodovoz seconded the motion to approve the minutes of May 9.The motion passed unanimously. GVHSF Name: Members discussed changing the name of the GVHSF. Suggestions include; GV Good Neighbor Fund, GV People Helping People Fund, and GV Numan Services Fund. Erickson moved and Monroe seconded the motion to table the item was tabled until the July meeting. The motion passed unanimously. Upcoming Events: Golf Classic-Friday,July 15`h: Sponsors include Preferred One, Best and Flanagan, WSB, SEM, and an anonymous donor. Brochures and posters have been sent. Erickson will take posters and brochures to local businesses.Vodovoz will assist with check-in, Sandler and Heilicher will assist with the lunch. Members were encouraged to solicit for prizes. Taste of Golden Valley:The Commission discussed the event and want the event to continue. Sandler will contact The Metropolitan, Blumb will contact GV Country Club for for fee and possible dates. Ideas discussed: Raising the ticket price to$25 Contacting the VFW or Legion to sponsor a raffle portion of the evening Give tickets away at city events i.e. Neighborhood Watch meetings Contact restaurants who have participated previously Sandler will ask the Community Foundation Board if they would like to partner on this event. Members are asked to bring ideas to the July meeting for alternative fund raising. Other Business: Community Foundatian:The papers have been submitted. Brochures were available for Valley Days. Plans are to send a solicitation letter to residents in the fall. Goal is to raise $125,000 in 2011. GV 125t`'Anniversary:Vodovoz is the GVHSF representative. Many events are being planned by the group. It was decided that the Golf Tournament would not meet the criteria set by the 125`n Committee. By-laws Review: Several changes to the by-laws were discussed. Suggested changes will be sent to members for review at the July meeting before being sent to the Council for approval. Solicitation letter;The GV Community Foundation will mail the solicitation letter. Application for Funding: Members were given the application for funding and asked to review. Bring suggestions for changes to the July meeting. Application will be posted on the website late July. Adjournment: Erickson moved to adjourn the meeting, Blumb seconded the motion.The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jeanne Fackler, GVHSF Staff Liaison