7-9-12Golden Valley Human Services Fund (GVHSF) Meeting Minutes July 9, 2012 Present: Hilmer Erickson, Katie Hart, Brenda Hayle, Elissa Heilicher, Connie Sandler and Toots Vodovoz. Also present: Joanie Clausen, Council Liaison and Jeanne Fackler, Staff Liaison. Not Attending: Diane Nimmer Call to Order: Sandler called the meeting to order at 6:45 p.m. Hart asked to move the Farmer's Market discussion to agenda item #4. Granted. June 11 minutes: Heilicher moved and Hart seconded the motion to approve the minutes from June 11. The motion passed unanimously. Farmers Market: The GVHSF will have an informational table at the Sunday, July 15 Farmer's Market. Hart and Nimmer will be present at the table from 9AM-IPM. A pamphlet about the GVHSF will be available for people. Heilicher will pick up hard candy. Sandler will ask the GVCF for information to place at the table. By-law Review: The by-laws were reviewed. Erickson moved and Hart seconded to approve the by-laws with no changes. The motion passed unanimously. Upcoming Events: Golf Classic will be held on Friday, July 13. Fackler reported that 29 foursomes have registered up 2 foursomes from 2011. Members volunteered to help at the event. Registration: Heilicher, Sandler, Vodovoz. Continental Breakfast: Heilicher, Vodovoz. Lunch: Heilicher, Sandler. Hole -in -One: Erickson. Greeter: Clausen. Prizes: Central Bank, City Looks Salon, Pat Ryan Golf, Vic's Supper Club, Brookview Golf Course. Sandler offered to approach businesses in the Golden Valley Shopping Center. Heilicher has contacted AI's Coffee, Crossroad's Deli and will do the shopping for the tournament. Fackler is working with Davanni's for lunch. Dessert is being donated by a former member. New Event: Heilicher has contacted the Twin City Men's Gay Chorus for a possible fundraising concert. The Chorus is out of town at a competition. Members discussed asking the Chorus to narrow down possible dates so a venue could be pursued. 2013 Application Packet: The updated packet was reviewed. Erickson moved and Hayle seconded the motion to approve the packet for publication. The motion passed unanimously. Other Business: Community Foundation: Sandler reported the CF board is working on a formal application process for fund distribution. A $500 grant was given to sponsor a Cultural Day at the Farmer's Market Sandler announced the next meeting is August 13 at 6:45 p.m. Hayle requested that up to 3 agencies be asked to present at the September meeting when funding will be discussed. Members agreed that new agencies applying for funding attend as well as agencies that have not presented to the commission in previous years. Adjournment: Hayle moved to adjourn the meeting, Vodovoz seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jeanne Fackler GVHSF Staff Liaison