3-25-1976REGULAR MEETING GOLDEN VALLEY PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION March 25, 1976 A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Park and Recreation Commission was held on Thursday, March 25, 1976, at 7:30 p.m. at the Brookview Community Center, 8200 Wayzata Blvd., Golden Valley, Minnesota. Chairman Petersen presided and the following members were present: Brown, Courey, Duebner, Hammer, Jaffe, Kelby, and King; members absent, Gergen. Also present were John L. Brenna, Director of Parks and Recreation, David H. Latvaaho, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation, Corey Bakken, Golf Operations Manager, Janet Hoel, Program Supervisor, Diane Olson, Donald Phenow, and Gertrude Peterson, secretary. MINUTES It was moved by Jaffe and seconded by Duebner that the minutes of the regular meeting of January 29, 1976, be approved. Motion carried. It was moved by Duebner and seconded by Brown that the minutes of the special meeting of February 16, 1976, be approved. Motion carried. SUB COMMITTEE REPORT — Use and maintenance of ball fields In the absence of the Sub Committee Chairman, members Kelby, King and Hammer briefed the Commission on meetings that the Committee has held to date. At this time, Mrs. Stephen Swartz, a resident of the Lions Club Park area, was in attendance and asked about the park's activity this summer. Members of the Committee stated that they had met with a Mr. Bard from the Lions Park area, and that Mr. Bard represented those living east of the park. Mr. Kelby stated that we are going to ask the Public Safety Department to enforce all violations of park ordinances in all parks this summer. Mr. Latvaaho stated that all softball team managers have been made aware of what will happen if and when violations occur. Mr. Kelby stated that we will go all out to safeguard those who will be using Lions Club Park this summer. BROOKVIEW ENTERPRISE FUND — report Mr. Correy J. Bakken, our Golf Manager, brought forth his year end report. Mr. Bakken showed where 1975 was the best year financially that we have had since acquiring the golf course. Mr. Bakken also stated that no increases in golf fees are set forth for this year. The Commission thanked Mr. Bakken for his report. SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAM Mr. David Latvaaho, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation, outlined the proposed summer program as it pertains to swimming, baseball, and tennis. Janet Hoel, Program Supervisor, briefed the Commission on proposed programs and plans for the playground this summer. At this time, Mr. Brenna introduced Diane Olson and Donald Phenow, two college students who are serving their internships with the department for the next ten weeks. R N ry a, Golden Valley Park and Recreation Commission page two PUBLIC WORK SITE The City Council had requested input from the Park and Recreation Commission relative to a public works site. After discussion, it was moved by Courey and seconded by Duebner, that the Park and Recreation Commission approves the selection of the Boone and Plymouth Avenue property as the location for the public works site, and requests that if the City acquires the property, that it be developed in such a manner that the trail which will run along Plymouth Avenue be properly bermed and landscaped, and that the Commission urges the Council to stop using the Brookview Park site at Highway #55 and Winnetka Avenue as soon as possible. Motion carried. OPEN SPACE REPORT Mr. Brown, our liasion member to the Open Space Committee, stated that the Open Space Committee will be consulting with experts in the environmental field relating to the up—grading of the Pennsylvania Woods area. Mr. Brenna stated that he has been advised that hereafter the City Council will appoint members to the Open Space Committee. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Chairman Petersen called for nominations for positions of Chairman and Vuce Chairman for the coming year of the Golden Valley Park and Recreation Commission. Jaffe nominated Duebner for chairman; no other nominations were brought forth. Hammer nominated Brown for Vice Chairman, and no other nominations were brought forth. There being no other nominations, the preceeding nominees were voted in unanimously. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Hamner and seconded by Kelby that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 11:30 p.m. Chairman Petersen Vice, -Chairman Duebner 1 E