4-23-1979REGULAR MEETING GOLDEN VALLEY PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION April 23, 1979 The Golden Valley Park and Recreation Commission held a regular meeting on Monday, April 23, 1979, at 7:30 p.m. at Brookview Community Center. Attending were Chairman Brown, and members Jaffe, Hammer, and King. Also present was John Brenna. 1. The minutes of the March meeting were approved as written. 2. Wrapping up of the Recreation Sub Committee Report: The members discussed several points of the report that hadn't been discussed previously. Items included the calendar for meeting with the athletic associations that use Golden V lley facilities, the minimum level of qualifications for instructors in recreation programs sponsored by the Park and Recreation Department, as well as an examination of the descriptions for some of the recreation positions. Commission members asked the staff to work on descriptions of the minimum qualifications for the more specialized interest areas of programming. Brenna said that written objectives for some programs are available, and those for the summer programs will be established and available for Commission perusal at the end of the summer. In order to improve the feedback about the substance and quality of recreation programming, King made the following motion, which was seconded by Hammer, that a letter be sent to summer program participants seeking their reaction to the program itself, an evaluation of the instructor, and other comments regarding their experience. The letter will be sent by August 15th. The motion was approved. King was appointed to a sub committee of one to implement the above motion. Meetings of the Commission to be held in the community parks during the year was discussed, and all members agreed that it was a good idea and should be implemented again. Periodic needs assessment was discussed again with members agreeing with Brown's idea that a matrix is the best place to start. By January of 1980 the staff will draw up a matrix that will how the different programs offered to the various age and interest groups in the community. The matrix will how existing and planned recreation programs and the population sements. King seconded the motion. Meetings wil athletic associations are scheduled as follows: July, 1979, soccer, September, 1979, Hockey, March, 1980, Little League and Mens Softball, July, 1980, Football, March, 1981, Sandlot, Baberuth, and Mickey Mantle leagues. Director's Report: (A) Brenna reviewed the Council's decision regarding the Middle School proposal, and (B), Brenna reviewed the golf course peet program and the staff decision to accept fill from the I-94 project to improve the course via an overlay. Meeting adjourned at 10:34 p.m. I/ oel--, 64t:3CL C airman Vice Chair an