5-22-1989CITY OF GOLDEN VALLEY May 22, 1989 Brookview Copmunity Center Members present: Chair Anderegg, Vice Chair Krahulec, George Murad, Michele Bix, Pat Borchert. Also present were: Sheila Miller, Golden Specialist, Rick Jacobson and Sharyl Thompson The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM. MINUTES Bergh, Rich Valley Crime A motion was made by Pat Borchert and seconded by George Murad to accept the minutes of April 24, 1989. Motion carried. LIGHT RAIL TRANSIT (LRT) DISCUSSION Mayor Mary Anderson entered the meeting and asked that the Commission discuss the communication sent out by the City Council regarding their position on the light rail transit. She asked that the Commission prepare a response that she could take to another meeting being concurrently held at Brookview Community Center. Pat Borchert was concerned that if the .Council expressed their approval with condition, would this carry -any weight, or would it be interpreted'as a rubber stamp approval. Rick Jacobson explained that the issue was three -fold: a) their feeling on the overall concept of LRT b) if it goes through, it will impact Mary Hills Park, and what is the Commission's position on this, c) what is the impact on Golden Valley as a whole 1 There was extensive discussion on LRT, with a few questions raised. Lowell Odland, City Engineer, was asked to come into the meeting and answer questions of the Commission. One issue was the size of the Plymouth Avenue station versus the Bonnie Lane station. The Commission felt there should be an effort to. equalize the size of these so the Bonnie Lane area would not be quite so heavily impacted. Lowell Odland pointed out that the Commission needed to view LRT as a whole system, one that ties the Twin Cities together, and not just one branch of the system. Pat Borchert asked if the dollar amount estimated for the cost of LRT included purchasing homes. Lowell said they were willing to purchase the homes on Bonnie Lane. It was also recommended by the Commission that the trail by Bonnie Lane be rerouted west of the fires station with a good buffer area if the Bonnie Lane station were constructed. TRAIL SAFETY - SHEILA MILLER Rick Jacobson introduced Sheila Miller, City Crime Prevention Specialist, to the Commission. Sheila addressed the issue of trail safety. Julie Bergh inquired if the trails were patrolled. She felt an officer on a motorcycle may be a deterrent to crime. Sheila explained that there was a motorcycle patrol several years ago, but its was decided that the impact of this patrol was not significant. OLD BUSINESS Pat Borchert reported that she had called the Engineering Department regarding sidewalks by Meadowbrook School. It looks as though sidewalks will be installed this year in conjuction with the Turners Crossroad reconstruction. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Rich Krahulec and seconded by Julie Bergh to adjourn. Motion carried.- The next meeting scheduled for Monday, June 26, 1989, will be our picnic and park tour beginning at 5:15 PM. Sheila pointed out that there is not a serious problem at the time in the parks or on the trails. There have been few crimes reported. She did outline some things that can be done to cut down on crime like visible lighting, well maintained park areas, proper landscaping; she recommended that people remain alert and aware of their surroundings while in the parks, that it is unwise to walk in secluded areas alone. Sheila encouraged the Commission to urge residents to use the trails and parks which would help to alleviate crime. She also explained the Neighborhood Watch program in the city and said this has helped the police department stop crimes while they are being committed. She encouraged the Commissioners to become involved in a Neighborhood Watch program. OLD BUSINESS Pat Borchert reported that she had called the Engineering Department regarding sidewalks by Meadowbrook School. It looks as though sidewalks will be installed this year in conjuction with the Turners Crossroad reconstruction. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Rich Krahulec and seconded by Julie Bergh to adjourn. Motion carried.- The next meeting scheduled for Monday, June 26, 1989, will be our picnic and park tour beginning at 5:15 PM.