7-24-1989OPEN SPACE & RECREATION COMMISSION JULY 24, 1989 Members present: Chair Anderegg, Vice -chair Bergh, Chuck Burmeister, Jim Johnson, Michele Bix, George Murad, and Rick Groger. Also present were Rick Jacobson and Sandy Coughlin, GV Babe Ruth Association. There were no agenda changes or additions. MINUTES - JUNE 2601989 A motion was made by Chuck Burmeister and seconded by Jim Johnson to approve the minutes of June 26th. Motion carried. BABE RUTH ASSOCIATION REPORT Sandy Coughlin, President of Babe Ruth, was present to report on the past season. Sandy explained this had been a good year. She said the condition of the fields was excellent, and appreciated the fine cooperation from the City. Last year Babe Ruth had paid for some asphalting, and the City finished the project this summer. The numer of participants seems to be on the rise, especially with the increase in numbers in the Little League program. BROOKVIEW PARK MASTER PLAN Rick Jacobson briefly explained that some work needs to be done at Brookview Park, but rather than just do individual projects, it was decided to formulate a master plan for the entire Brookview Recreation Area, excluding the golf course. Drainage problems, water storage and overall park usage will be considered. Rick asked the Commissioners for ideas of what they would like to see done. The suggestions made include: * landscaping, trees, paths, lots of flowers on northeast corner (behind tennis courts) *sculpture art * pool * some sort of Golden Valley "landmark" ' * interrppretive Id with history of Bassett Creek *gazebo facing western view over golf course innovative play structure (tot area, older kids area) * amphitheatre BUDGET PROCESS Rick Jacobson reported that the 1990 budget process has begun. Department heads will be meeting during the week of August 21st to prepare the budget for presentation to City Council. OTHER BUSINESS Rick Jacobson reported that the driving range improvements have been put on hold because all of the bids came in over budget. George Murad commented that the Par 3 course is in great shape. Rick Jacobson informed the Commissioners that a committee of residents, headed by Marti Micks, has been formed to get an outdoor pool. Rick had gotten some information on the cost of pool construction which would be $1.5 to $2 million. Various site suggestions were made including purchasing the Golden Valley Lutheran College property. This property includes 30 acres of land and the building selling for around $4 million. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by George Murad and seconded by Rick Groger to adjourn. The next meeting will be Monday, August 28, 1989, 7:00 PM at Brookview Community Center. 1 []I 1