10-30-19891 OPEN SPACE & RECREATION COMMISSION October 30, 1989 Members present: Chair Anderegg, Jim Johnson, Rich Krahulec, George Murad, Chuck Burmeister, Pat Borchert, Rick Groger. Also present were Rick Jacobson, Barbara Bailey, Sharyl Thompson and Jeff Schoenbauer of Brauer and Associates. There were no agenda changes or additions. MINUTES A motion was made by Pat Borchert and seconded by Chuck Burmeister to accept the minutes of September 25, 1989. Motion carried. BROOKVIEW PARK MASTER PLAN Rick Jacobson introduced Jeff Schoenbauer of Brauer & Associations, a landscape architect hired to draw up some preliminary plans for Brookview Park. Two concepts were pre- sented, one with more active facilities and one more passive. One goal was to provide clear definition between the park and the golf course. After some discussion, the Commission's general consensus was to move toward the more passive concept, with a few changes. This would include extensive plantings, water features, two playground lots, a general skating area with warming house, a sliding hill, walking paths and trails to eventually link with Lions Park. Consideration would also be made to moving the Brookview Park road south, which would allow for safer access onto Winnetka. SENIOR CITIZEN REPORT Barbara Bailey presented the annual senior citizens report. The Commission congratulated Barbara on her receiving the Helen I. Pontius National Award of Merit this past summer for her work in the leisure services field. The Commission also commended Barbara on her fine work with the Golden Valley seniors. CANADA GOOSE UPDATE Rick Jacobson presented the updated report from Dr. James Cooper of the University of Minnesota on the goose population control program. BROOKVIEW IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT Rick Jacobson reported that Andy Lindquist, Greens Superintendent, had resigned to take a position at Blake School. The City expects to hire a replacement to begin work in early February. Bids were opened on the clubhouse remodelling project. The bids came in over budget, so the project will be re-evaluated and perhaps redone next year. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by George Murad and seconded by Rich Krahulec to adjourn. I The next meeting will be Monday, November 27, 1989.