3-25-1991OPEN SPACE & RECREATION COMMISSION March 25,1991 Members present: Rich Krahulec, George Murad, Chuck Burmeister, Michele Bix, Jim Johnson, Pat Borchert. Also present were John Barten from Hennepin Parks, Ken Spence from the Brookview Men's Golf Association, Rick Jacobson and Sharyl Thompson. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM. MINUTES A motion was made by Chuck Burmeister and seconded by George Murad to approve the minutes of February 25, 1991. Motion carried. ELECTION OF OFFICERS George Murad made a motion to nominate Pat Borchert for Chair. Jim Johnson seconded the nomination. Rich Krahulec volunteered to serve as Vice Chair. Motion carried. EURASIAN WATER MILFOIL UPDATE - JOHN BARTEN. HENNEPIN PARKS John Barten, Hennepin Parks Water Quality Manager, showed a series of slides explaining what Eurasian Water Milfoil is, and what a problem it has become. The Eurasian water milfoil has no natural enemies in Minnesota and can look like other milfoil species, making it very difficult to identify. It grows better in poor lighting and is very hearty, able to stand Minnesota winters. The problem is one that will need to be controlled as it will never be eradicated completed. There is not a major ecological problem, but a recreational one, making it impossible for boating, swimming and very difficult for fishing. The Eurasian water milfoil is prevalent in Lake Minnetonka and is a problem at Lake Independence and Medicine Lake. KEN SPENCE - BMGA Ken Spence reviewed the updated by-laws of the Brookview Men's Golf Association. There have been a few changes made over past years. Membership numbers are being reduced to 225 members in 1991 and to 200 members in 1992. With these numbers, the club will be better able to serve its members. Golden Valley residents will not be limited in numbers. Also, stipulations have been developed whereby BMGA members must golf at Brookview a minimum of 10 18 -hole rounds to remain as active members. The Open Space Commission suggested that selection criteria for admitting non-residents be for- malized and put in writing. Ken Spence added that there would be a deadline of April 1st to join the BMGA, and of May 1st for BMGA members to purchase a handicap card. All BMGA members must also be patron card holders. OUTDOOR POOL TASK FORCE UPDATE George Murad reported that City Council decided that it would be best to postpone a pool refer- endum until April of 1992 because of the tax situation presently. They will reconsider providing the architectural fees requested again in June. U.S. WEST TOWER STATUS Rick Jacobson presented some drawings from U.S. West showing revised plans that included a re- designed building and more landscaping. Rick emphasized that with pending loss of LGA, the Commission might reconsider its thoughts on the tower. G t'A A motion was made by Chuck Burmeister and seconded by Jim Johnson that the Open Space and Recreation Commission wishes to emphasize that the revisions presented are fine, but they do not address the fact that it is the desire of the Commission that no such facility be put on the golf course. It is the feeling of the Commission that the issue is not one of money, but that park land should not be relinquished for commercial use. Motion carried unanimously. Pat Borchert further stated that in her opinion, U. S. West has not shown convincingly that other site alternatives on the south side of 394 have been fully explored. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET REVIEW Rick Jacobson explained that due to a cut in state aid to cities, the City of Golden Valley has had to reduce its 1991 budget by $300,000. The cuts as they pertain to parks and recreation included: Brookview Park Improvements ($50,000), a new park maintenance employee ($30,000), elimination of Western Avenue trail ($35,000), and elimination of developing a soccer field in conjunction with the Minnesota School of the Arts ($15,000). These cuts will be in effect in 1991, with subsequent cuts possibly comming through to future years. A motion was made by Pat Borchert and seconded by Michele Bix that City Council be notified that although the Commission realizes the budget cuts are necessary, they prefer that the soccer field be given the highest priority should some of the cuts be added back into the budget. The second pri- ority would be to put some money back into the Brookview Park Improvement to go toward re- placement of playground equipment. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Rick Jacobson informed the Commission of the address change of Brookview Community Center, which is now 200 Brookview Parkway. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Jim Johnson and seconded by Pat Borchert to adjourn. The meeting ad- journed at 9:25 PM. 1