9-28-1992OPEN SPACE & RECREATION COMMISSION September 28, 1992 Members present: Tom Zins, Rich Krahulec, Mike Mauren, Pat Borchert, George Murad. Also present were Don Harding (Babe Ruth Baseball), Sue Cook, Al Lundstrom, Sharyl Thomp- son and Rick Jacobson. AGENDA CHANGES OR ADDITIONS Pat Borchert received a letter from the Metropolitan Council Transportation Advisory Board. Resignation of Chuck Burmeister. MINUTES A motion was made by Pat Borchert and seconded by George Murad to approve the minutes of August 24, 1992. Motion carried. BABE RUTH BASEBALL - DON HARDING Don Harding, President of Babe Ruth Baseball, reported on their 1992 season. They had 150 play- ers which included a 13 -year old prep league, Junior Babe Ruth, Mickey Mantle league, and Senior Babe Ruth. The playing season is from April through August. Home games are played at Sand - burg Middle School. Don expressed his appreciation for the help and cooperation that their organization receives from the City of Golden Valley whose maintenance personnel provide excellent playing facilities at Sandburg. ' RECREATION REPORT - SUE COOK Sue gave out copies of statistics for the Concerts in the Park attendance, Adult Softball participa- tion, summer program registration numbers and overall program registration numbers. Rick Krahulec suggested that when advertising the Concerts in the Park, the type of music that will be played should be included. Sue also presented an Adopt A Park pamphlet. This outlines the program and lists the parks and nature areas available for "adoption". FORESTRY REPORT - AL LUNDSTROM City Forester, Al Lundstrom, distributed copies of an outline of the forestry program. He reported that the Dutch elm disease tree removals decreased again this year, and credits that to the aggres- sive program the City of Golden Valley has in inspecting and removing trees. He will bring a more detailed report with a slide presentation after completing his year end statistics. OUTDOOR POOL TASK FORCE George Murad and Rick Jacobson have met with the Planning Commission to review the plan. Two public informational meetings will be held in October. Tom Zins asked if it was appropriate for the Open Space and Recreation Commission to offer a vote of support for the pool. It was decided that Tom would write a letter to the editor of the "Post" on his own, expressing his support. NEW BUSINESS Metropolitan Council Transportation Advisory Board Pat Borchert received a letter from the Metropolitan Council Transportation Advisory Board. They are looking for projects of trails and bikeways. The information was given to Rick Jacobson for follow-up. ResiL,nation of Charles Burmeister A call was received in the Park and Recreation office from Chuck Burmeister. He tendered his resignation from the Open Space and Recreation Commission, as he has moved out of the City of Golden Valley. Chuck also mentioned that this move means he can no longer serve on the Brookview Improvement Committee either. The Commission expressed appreciation to Chuck for his many years of dedicated service and commitment to the City of Golden Valley. OLD BUSINESS George Murad and Pat Borchert expressed an interest in receiving information on where sidewalks will be constructed in 1993. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by George Murad and seconded by Rich Krahulec to adjourn. Motion carried. 7l L