5-22-1995CITY OF GOLDEN VALLEY OPEN SPACE & RECREATION COMMISSION May 22,1995 Members present: Linda Loomis, Rich Krahulec, Tom Zins, Jim Sicora and Roger McConico. Also present were Rick Jacobson and Sharyl Thompson. Linda Loomis called the meeting to order. AGENDA CHANGES OR ADDITIONS Rick Jacobson added "City Comprehensive Plan Review" under New Business. MINUTES - APRIL 24,1995 A motion was made by Rich Krahulec and seconded by Tom Zins to approve the minutes of April 24, 1995. Motion carried. REVIEW OF MAY 18 PUBLIC HEARING ON ATHLETIC FIELD DEVELOPMENT A public hearing was held on May 18th at City Hall regarding the athletic field development pro- posal which includes constructing two lighted softball fields near the land donated to the City by the Schaper family. After much input and discussion, the City Council unanimously approved that the staff move forward with further site and environmental evaluations. The Commission commended Chair Loomis on her excellent presentation at the public hearing. RECEIPT OF 1994 CANADA GOOSE PROGRAM Copies of the report from the University of Minnesota were given to the Commissioners. It gave the results of the geese relocation program last year. The report indicates that it is becoming dif- ficult to find places willing to take the geese. There will be an experimental program of removing 200 geese in the Twin Cities area and making the meat available to local food shelves. RECEIPT OF 1995 AERIAL DEER SURVEY An aerial deer survey was done on March 9, 1995. Because of the reduced snow cover, the num- bers may not be as accurate as past years.. Sixteen deer were sighted in the Golden Valley areas surveyed, compared to 29 last year. I. & WINNETKA RIBBON CIJT- TING Events will be held on Wednesday, June 21st that include a ribbon cutting of Winnetka Avenue, ground breaking of the new ost office, grand opening of the newly remodeled Public Safety Building, and open house at ti it Ci vic Center. UNE MEETING - PARK The meeting next month will annual park tour. Suggested areas to visit include Breck School, Art School, Schaper ea nd Pennsylvania Woods. Dinner will be served prior to the tour. OLD BUSINESS L3CHUM rUFft111X L` X UHNIU11 - AXV1HUUV111VUU MUCl111 X V U16 The Planning Commission votfe a st rezoning the lot purchased by the City from residential to institutional. Rick Jacobson Klatt met with the neighbors of Scheid Park on May 15 to discuss the plan and answeres ilReDort s. About fifteen people were represented at the meeting, with their main objection to bda parking lot stemming from concern for the resident whose property would be adjacent to as well as the cost compared to what they see as no parking problems. Other comments " lu looking for alternative areas to park at Scheid, as well as improper language on the bas ...:b:lourt. CommunityStandards Taskr Roger McConico reported th s ssion at the last meeting regarded storage of boats and utility trailers. The next meeting wil ov home businesses/occupations. NEW BUSINESS The City Comprehensive Plan mission and staff to review t] later date. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Jim been updated since 1982. The Mayor requested the Com - More information will come before the Commission at a seconded by Tom Zins to adjourn. 1 I I r]