07-09-13 CM Minutes Council/Manager Meeting Minutes July 9, 2013 Present: Mayor Harris and Gouncil Members, Clausen, Pentel, Scanlon and Schmidgall, City Manager Tom Burt, Assistant City Manager Chantell Knauss, Finance Director Sue Virnig, Director of Parks and Recreation Rick Jacobson, Fire Chief Mark Kuhnly, Community Development Director Mark Grimes, City Planner Joe Hogeboam and Administrative Assistant Lisa Wittman. The meeting began at 6:30 pm in the Council Conference Room. Bottineau Light Rail Transitway Planning Committee Joe Hogeboom explained that Hennepin County would like to begin station area planning for the Golden Valley and Minneapolis station locations later this summer. He reminded the Council that at their May 14 Council/Manager meeting there was discussion about creating a committee to guide the City's participation in the station area planning process for the two potential station locations in Golden Valley. The committee would consider conceptual plans for the station locations, parking, trail and pedestrian access, pick up and drop off accommodations and lighting among other issues. Hogeboom stated that staff recommends that the committee include: two members of the Planning Commission, two members of the Environmental Commission, two members of the Open Space and Recreation Commission, two members of the community at large, one to five City Council members, City staff and Hennepin County staff. The Council discussed the appointment process, the inclusion of inembers from the business community, and the length of time the committee would serve. After discussion the consensus of the Council was to move forward with appointing members to the planning cammittee as staff recommended with the addition of one to two business community members. Board/Commission Guidelines Chantell Knauss stated that the Council requested to review the Board/Commission Guidelines and the bylaws for the various commissions, committees and boards in order to compare them for consistency. The Council discussed the various bylaws including an officer's length of term, haw to create more consistency across the various board and commissions, the number of members on each board and commission, the importance of annual reports from the boards and commissions, how many meetings the Council liaisons should attend, the importance of proper training and the appointment and orientation process. Knauss stated that she would amend the Guidelines based on the Council's discussion and bring them back to a future Council/Manager meeting for review. Neighborhood Meetings Council Member Pentel asked that this item be placed on the agenda for discussion. She expressed concern about the fact that neighborhood meetings have been held on an ad- hoc basis, the public isn't notified, the meetings are not recorded, notes aren't taken and Council/Manager Meeting Minutes July 9, 2013 — Page 2 staff isn't present. She suggested that the Council have a "town hall" forum four times per year instead. The Council discussed whether or not they would like to continue having neighborhood meetings. After discussion, the consensus was that they would like to work on setting up a quarterly schedule for neighborhood meetings at a future Council/ Manager meeting. Biennial 2014-2015 Proposed General Fund Budget Tom Burt provided an overview of the budget. He noted that the top three major priorities are: Douglas Drive redevelopment oppartunities, impacts of the proposed Bottineau LRT Line and organized hauling. He also noted that the budget includes the addition of a city clerk position, an additional fire/property maintenance specialist and a half-time office clerk. The Council reviewed the following budget categories: Council, City Manager, Transfers Out, Administrative Services, Legal, Risk Management, Community Development, Fire, Park and Recreation and Recreation Programs. After discussion and several questions, the Council directed staff to put the Lilac Planting budget item on hold for further discussion regarding the cost of maintenance, staff time and if it is something the City should continue to do. No other significant changes were requested. The meeting adjourned at 10:50 pm. �isa Wittman Administrative Assistant