03-19-18 - Human Services Fund minutesGolden Valley Human Services Fund (GVHSF) Meeting Minutes March 19, 2018 Present: Denise La Mere -Anderson, Stephanie Devitt, Hilmer Erickson, Katie Hart, Elissa Heilicher, Sarah Meyerring, Sophia Vento and Toots Vodovoz. Also present: Brian Erickson, Staff Liaison. Absent: Aaron Black, Peder Hanson, and Alan Ingber. Call to Order: La Mere -Anderson called the meeting to order at 6:57 pm. Agenda Changes or Additions: Budget and Commissioner Reports, were added. February 12 Minutes: Vodovoz moved and Hilmer seconded the motion to approve the minutes from February 12. The motion passed unanimously. Budget Update: La Mere -Anderson reviewed the most recent budget information with the commission. Commissioner Report: La Mere -Anderson reported that Andrea Mac Arthur and Kathryn Frommer have resigned. Run the Valley: Solicitation for Sponsors— Erickson reviewed the list of possible sponsors and updates were made. Commissioners were instructed to reach out to those final donors for confirmation. Volunteers — Erickson explained the need for volunteers and options for finding volunteers where shared. More than 40 volunteers will be needed. Commission members were asked to find volunteers. Marketing and Publicity— Erickson shared where and how the event is being marketed on the internet, in city publications and to past participants, via email. Registration Numbers as of 3/19/18. 10K-68, 5K-81, 5K Walk -25, U12-12, Kids Run -10. Strategic Planning Session: La Mere- Anderson talked about the Strategic Planning Session that was held on February 12. She presented a review of the process and shared a summary of the information gathered. Adjournment: Erickson moved to adjourn the meeting, Heilicher seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm. Respectfully submitted, - Denise La -Mere Anderson, GVHSF Chair Brian Erickson, Staff Liaison