08-28-18 HRC Minutes 7800 Golden Valley Road�Golden Valley,MN 55427 '>' l;� 763-593-3991 �TTY 763-593-3968�763-593-8109(fax)(www.goldenvalleymn.gov �'�����Q� �� ����.� � MEETING MINUTES � Human Rights Commission August 28, 2018 Commissioners present: Maurice Harris, Chair Kyle Pettersen-Scott, Vice Chair Jonathan Burris Chris Mitchell Gloria Peck Carrie Yeager Eve Clarkson Commissioners absent: Teresa Martin Staff present: Kirsten Santelices, Human Resources Director Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:34 pm by Chair Harris. Approval of Agenda Motion by Commissioner Burris to approve agenda as submitted. Seconded by Commissioner Yeager. Motion carried 7-0. * 7:15 pm motion by Commissioner Burris, seconded by Commissioner Peck to add "CEDAW discussion" as item (A) under New Business. Carried 7-0. ** 7:54 pm motion by Vice Chair Pettersen-Scott, seconded by Commissioner Peck to add "Bill Hobbs Award update" as item (F) under Old Business. Carried 7-0. Approval of Meeting Minutes Motion by Commissioner Burris, seconded by Vice Chair Pettersen-Scott to approve the July 24, 2018 meeting minutes as submitted. Old Business Week of Service Update Discussion about how to collect items for the PRISM donation drive. Staff shared that the Police may be able to help with the drop off of the items after the collection is over. Staff will update the Commission when the drive is over to discuss drop-off. Commissioner Burris asked if the Commission is still planning to have an event in particular on September 11t",to which staff and Commissioner Peck shared that PRISM is available for a group to come in sometime on the 11t", and the Commission just needs to agree to what time works best for them. Commissioner Burris recommended 10am-12pm and Commissioners Peck, Mitchell, Burris, and Harris all agreed to meet at PRISM at 10 am. MEETING MINUTES—Human Rights Commission 2 The Commission also discussed who will be at the Arts and Music Festival to collect items. Commissioner Yeager and Vice Chair Pettersen-Scott will be present for some of the event. Chair Harris will reach out to the Community Foundation for details on where the HRC may be able to drop off a bin for collections. Staff will ask the Communications team to create a sign to put on the side of the bin. Vice Chair Pettersen-Scott shared with the Commission that she purchased some bins that the Commission could use for the PRISM drive. Voter Ri�hts Education Update Chair Harris updated the Commission with communications with the League of Women Voters (LWV) and the New Hope Human Rights Commission, and their enthusiasm for promoting the Voter Rights "Restore the Vote" speaker event. Staff shared that while Brookview was unavailable, the Council Chambers is available, and therefore booked for the event. Chair Harris shared that the speaker has a handout at the event, but the Commission would love to have a promotional flier. Staff will work with communications to create a flier. The Communications team also created a website announcement, and shared on social media. Staff further shared that CCX may be there to record as well. Green Card Voices Exhibit Update Commissioner Burris provided the HRC with an update that he and Commissioner Martin toured Brookview and determined it was a great space for the exhibit. Commissioner Martin had also emailed the Green Card Youth Voices Exhibit to establish dates of December 3 to December 28. Staff confirmed, and shared that just waiting to hear back from the exhibit on confirmation of those details. Staff reminded the Commission that the cost of the exhibit is $1,000. The Commission asked for an update on the total budget, and staff will follow up with the total budget and what the Commission has spent to- date. Commissioner Yeager motioned to authorize up to $1,000 for the exhibit. Seconded by Commissioner Clarkson. Motion carried 7-0. Staff asked if any Commission member would like to volunteer to work with the library to host books in December related to the exhibit. Commissioner Peck volunteered. Why Treaties Matter Exhibit Update Commissioner Mitchell provided an update that he had contacted Robbinsdale's liaison about their interest. The liaison stated that they would share with the Commission at the next meeting (September 27) and report back to Commissioner Mitchell on their interest. Commissioner Mitchell will also reach back out to them if they do not report back. Commissioner Mitchell also reached out to the Crystal Community Center about their facility and other connections or interest in supporting the exhibit in 2019. Chair Harris will reach out to New Hope as well. Vice Chair Pettersen-Scott shared support of these types of events and exhibits, because they seem to reach more people than some of the 1 time events, and are a good use of the HRC funds. Commission discussed keeping the library in mind for any of the events, including this exhibit, and keep Brookview in mind, in case the space is secure enough. Second Annual MLK Literary Contest Discussion The Commission had a long discussion about the contest parameters for 2018. Commission went back and forth on some of the language listed on the flier from 2017, including eligibility of students, which schools should be included, and what the potential themes are for 2018. August 28, 2018 MEETING MINUTES—Human Rights Commission 3 Commissioner Mitchell shared some tips he learned from school contacts on advertising to students. He shared the following information: • When to promote: Share at least once before or after MEA week (mid-October), send a reminder before the Thanksgiving holiday, and a final reminder 2-weeks before the deadline How to promote: give the schools templates for sharing with students, including: newsletter/bulletin templates, social media templates, email templates, and fliers/posters Staff will work with the Communications team to come up with templates that can be shared and used by the schools. The homework of the Commissions is to think of potential themes for this year. Vice Chair Pettersen-Scott is going to work on the flier with staff(and Communications). Commissioner Mitchell is going to create a comprehensive list of schools and contacts. New Business CEDAW Discussion Commissioner Clarkson shared with the Commission that she was given information about CEDAW and thought it would be something the Commission would be interested in. The Commissioners requested more information, to which Commissioner Clarkson shared she would find out more and report back to the Commission. Staff will send the website link to the Commission to review as well. Commissioner Burris shared support for turning this in to a larger open meeting should the commission find this to be a good topic to pursue. Adjourn Motion by Commissioner Yeager, seconded by Commissioner Clarkson to adjourn the meeting at 8:18 pm. Motion carried 7-0. Maurice Harris, Chair ATTEST: Kirsten Santelices, Staff Liaison Respectfully submitted, Kirsten Santelices, Staff Liaison/Human Resources Director August 28, 2018