11/21/59 CSC MinutesMinutes of Civil Service Commission November 21, 1959 Meeting of the Civil Service Commission at 4409 Glenwood Avenue called to order at 10:00 A.1,1. Members Present: Chairman Hans Reiss and Secretary John Enghauser. A letter from acting Police Chief Everett Frandsen concerning the probationary status of Otto Q. Kraemer was read and discussed: Motion by Reiss, second by Enghauser, passed unanimously to inform The Village Council in writing that Mr. Kraemer had successfully passed his six-month probationary status and to recommend to council that he be placed on permanent status as a patrolman. The matter of the promotional examinations for the position of Chief of the Police Department was opened for discussion. In the absence of commissioner Blasing, it was decided that the results of the written examinations would not be reviewed by the Commission until a meeting at which all three cci-r,,issioners could be present. It was then determined that the respective portions of the exami- nations for thief would be evaluated as follows, subject to con- currence of commissioner Blasing: A total passing grade of 70 shall consist of 25% to the grade achieved in the written examination, and 75% to the grade achieved in the oral interview and evaluation of experience, character, etc., and that no total score, oral and written, of less than 70 points be considered a passing grade. Motion by Enghauser, Second by Reiss to adjourn carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, John F. Engha/ser, Secty. 7 L