11/23/59 CSC MinutesMinutes of Civil Service Commission November 23, 1959 Meeting of The Civil Service Commission at 4409 Glenwood Avenue I called to order at 7:00 P.M. bly Chairman Reiss. Members present; Chairman Hans Reiss, Al. Blasing and John Enghauser Minutes of the meeting held on Notember 21, 1959 were read. Motion by Blasing that he concurred with those minutes and that they stand approved as read. Second by Reiss - carried unanimously. The report from the State of Minnesota covering the results of the written examinations for the position of Police Chief were then removed from their sealed envelope and reviewed. Motion by Enghauser, second by Blasing to conduct oral interviews and evaluations, of the three members of the Police Force who took the written examinations; such interviews to be conducted on November 28, 1959 at the Village Civic Center commencing at 10:00 A.M. and at one-half hour intervals; and to write Mr. Frank Stanton of The Minnelota Safety Council and I,,est St. Paul Police Commission, to assist in the above interviews and evaluations. Motion carried unanimously. Chairman Reiss instructed secretary Enghauser to contact Mr. Stanton and the three candidates to advise all of the schedule for the oral interviews. The secretary was also instructed to inform each of the three candidates that although previous Commission meeting minutes required that ten days notice be given them prior to the date for the oral interviews, that they could take the interviews on the scheduled date by signing a form waiving their right to ten- day notice. Motion by Blasing, second by Enghauser to adjourn carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, ohn F. Enghausc;Z, 3ecty. 1