04/15/74 CSC Minutes �of ice Civi 1 Service Corr�tission Viiiage o� Goicien Valley Minutes hieeting of April I5, 1974 Membars Present: Pierre Meyer, Robart Nockman and John Mitchetl Guests: Dave Gorsl<i , Director of Public Safety; Dwight Weiis Chairman Mitcheil called the meeting to order at 7:44 p.m. • Minutes from the March 19� 197�4, mee�tng were accepted. Diseussion of Sergeant Evaivation Proceclures i . Commissioners Mitchell and Heckman gave Dave Gorski their appiication blank items. Gorski will put together an application blank containing these iterns and wili ask sergeant candidates to complete this applica- tion blank. 7he Commission attempted to select items which would reflecC changes in candldates ' status botwoon t(me of applying to the deparCment and the present time. 2. Peer and supervisory rating forms were discussed. After talkinr abaut the pros and eons of having officers sign their name to their rating sheets, it was resolved to ask them to sign Cheir name and to deposit kheir ratings in a confidentiai envelope. If any officers object to signing their name, they will be pe�mitted to leave the ra�ing form blank. Dave Gorski will pass out these forms over the next two weelcs � and they will be completed by /1pri1 26 , i974. He will also distribute rating forms , containing the same dimensions as the peer rating forms , to supervisors . These will also be completed by April 26, 1974. �1ii ratings wiil be placed in Gorsici 's safe until it is time to compile the final evaluation points. Any officer in the department is welcome to be present when the safe is opened to satisfy himself that the ratings were kept confidential until uli components of the seiection process were completed. 3. The written exam has been prepared consisting of 130 items . The exam is worth a toCal of 150 points , and it will comprise 20 percent of ti�e total evaluation process. There are mainly multiple choicc , fill -in, and true and false questions on this exam. Individuals will be given until April 30 to complete reading and to study for Che exam. The exam will be administered May 2, 1974, from 7:30 until 10:00 p.m. Ali examinees wiil be expected to complete by 10:00 p.m. � but there wiil �y�. 2. , bc a grace period of 15 minutes in case anyone needs additional time. Commiss �oner Mitchell will proctor the exam. Dave Gorski wi11 look for a place to administer ir which has tables and a conducive environ- ment. 4. Conunissioner Hecl<man has contacted Dr. Rabert Flint concerning fnrer- viewing and interpreting test resuits on ail fourteen candidates. Flint has agreed to undertake this task and to compieto it by May 30� 1974. His schedule is listed below. M��y 3--Intervicw two candidates--Starting at 6 p.m. M�y �3--Intervicw tiwo candidates--Starting at 6 p,m, May 9-- Interview two cahdidates--Starting at 5 p,m. May 11-- Interview three candidates--Starting at 10 a.m. , May 16-- Interview two candidates--Starting at 5 p.m. May 24-- Interview one candida�e--Starting at 6 p.m, � May 25--Interview two candidates--Starting at i0 a.m. One Commissioner wiil be present at each of �hese interviews . Dave Gorski will aCtempt to administer the CPi and MMPI during the week of April 27, 1974, so that tihe resuits of these tests will be avail- able for Dr. Flint's in�erviews. 5• Ttio In-basket will be administcred on May 9, 7:3�-9�30 p.m. Com- missioner Meyer will proctor this. 6. The group discussion will take place t�1ay 11 , 1 :00-2:30 p.m. , and the second group will be scheduied for 2:30-4:00 p.m. Comm�ssioner Neckman wili administcr a short verbal reasoning test aC 12:30 p.m. for group one and 4:00 p.m. for group two. � The above dates and arrangements are tentative, pending agreement on Dr. Flint 's consuit(ng fee and pending the Civil ServPce Commissloners ' schedules. ' Police Community Relations Meetin�s Ti�is group• would like to have a commissioner present at thefr meeCings which . Cake piace the second Tuesday of each month. Dave Gorski will Calk to �his group about attendance at their meetings. The meering was adJourned at 9;08 p.m. � � � . 1�—.—����l�, °�.°a;""� � E .�`�>_ ��� tobort t+T. No� man Socrotar � y � �3�r�