agenda-osrc-regular-sept-29-20REGULAR MEETING AGENDA 1.Call to Order at 6 pm •Meet outside on Brookview west patio (316 Brookview Parkway). Please wear a mask, dress for the weather, and practice social distancing. Each Commissioner will be provided an individual sanitized golf cart. 2.Roll Call ____ Roger Bergman ____ John Cornelius, Chair ____ Bill Delaney ____ Kelly Kuebelbeck ____ Bob Mattison, Vice-Chair ____ Matthew Sanders ____ Dawn Speltz ____ Linden Weiswerda ____ Brian Wright ____ Della Daml (Youth) 3.Agenda Changes or Additions 4.Approval of Minutes – July 27, 2020 5.Tour of Brookview Golf Couse and Lawn Bowling •In the event of inclement weather, tour will be canceled. 6.Commission and Staff Update: •Golf Course Irrigation Replacement Update •Golf Course Creek and Pond Shoreline Restoration Update •Parkland Restrictive Covenants •Next OSRC meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 26, 2020 7.Adjournment September 29, 2020 – 6 pm Brookview Golf Course REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm by Cornelius. 2. Roll Call Commissioners present: Roger Bergman, John Cornelius, Della Daml, Bill Delaney, Kelly Kuebelbeck, Bob Mattison, Matthew Sanders, Dawn Speltz, Linden Weiswerda, and Brian Wright Commissioners absent: None Staff present: Rick Birno, Director of Parks and Recreation; Ben Disch, Golf Operations Manager; Al Lundstrom, Park Maintenance Supervisor; Marc Nevinski, Physical Development Director; Jeff Oliver, City Engineer; Kimberly Sanberg, City Council; Sheila Van Sloun, Administrative Assistant; and Mike Ward, Golf Maintenance Manager 3. Agenda Changes or Additions Bergman made the following additions: • Homeless people in Golden Valley parks • Twin Lake beach 4. Approval of June 22, 2020 Minutes Bergman stated the word ‘of’ should be ‘if’ under topic seven, paragraph six, first sentence. MOTION moved by Bergman and seconded by Wright to approve the June 22, 2020 meeting minutes as amended. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Crosswalk Proposals Update and Discussion Oliver gave details on the steps for decision making regarding adding new crosswalks. He said there are a combination of city and county streets within Golden Valley, with Hennepin County having the authority to make the decisions on the county streets for the addition of crosswalks. Discussion then focused on specific intersections and areas within the city that are problematic. Commissioners shared concerns and personal experiences of near-misses throughout the city. They also shared suggestions on improving safety in certain areas. Commissioners highlighted three key areas of concern including the street crossing at Isaacson Park, the crossing at Winnetka and Harold Avenues and the crossing at Winnetka and Western Avenues, which both cross to Brookview Park. July 27, 2020 – 6:30 pm Virtual WebEx City of Golden Valley Open Space & Recreation Commission Regular Meeting Minutes July 27, 2020 – 6:30 pm 2 Oliver shared information on how crosswalk projects get funded, which can include the Capital Improvement Plan, Pavement Management Program, and special assessments, along with the City doing some of the work in-house. He also shared some projects that are on hold due to COVID-19. Wright asked if there are plans for crosswalk enforcement by the Police Department. Oliver said there is enforcement when issues are identified. Oliver said he would share all the concerns at the next Traffic Safety meeting. Oliver thanked the Commission for their feedback and insight. 6. Parks Capital Improvement Plan Draft Review Birno shared the 2021-2030 Parks Capital Improvement Plan. He said five years ago the total budget for the park system was $300K per year, but over the last five years it has been raised to $400K per year. Birno explained the lean 2021 budget, which totals $215K is due the pickleball and tennis court project at Scheid Park scheduled for 2022. Birno and Lundstrom shared details on upcoming projects for 2021 and reviewed 2020 projects put on hold due to COVID-19. Birno said generally projects are determined on a worst-first basis in the park system. Commissioners then asked questions about specific items on the budget. Sanders suggested looking at ways to obtain continued supportive funding from organized athletic groups utilizing city courts and fields. Birno noted council member Rosenquist has suggested the same idea, especially with the larger projects. Discussion then focused on volleyball and pickleball court locations and leagues. Kuebelbeck suggested partnering with other organizations to create more opportunities. Birno said ideas have been talked about with staff. Mattison said based on the climate in Minnesota, there may be enough demand to pursue more indoor recreation facilities. Birno said the demand is there, especially with people of all ages now being more active. MOTION moved by Kuebelbeck and seconded by Wright for staff to move forward with the 2021- 2030 Parks Capital Improvement Plan draft and recommend to the City Council for approval. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Brookview Golf Capital Improvement Plan Draft Review Disch gave a brief update on the golf course activity, stating the course has been extremely busy. He said given the late start to the season due to COVID-19, rounds are still up from last year with the par 3 course up 4,000 rounds and the regulation course up 2,500 rounds year-to-date. City of Golden Valley Open Space & Recreation Commission Regular Meeting Minutes July 27, 2020 – 6:30 pm 3 Disch gave details on the Brookview 2021-2030 Golf Capital Improvement Plan, which includes Brookview Golf and Lawn Bowling, Brookview Golf Maintenance, and Three One Six Bar + Grill. He explained how the budget is an enterprise fund, which means it’s self-supporting, using zero tax dollars. Birno shared details on course equipment replacement. He said Mike Ward makes recommendations on replacement of maintenance items. Birno said replacement is done on a worst-first basis. Ward was asked about the aging irrigation system. He explained the system is now 40-years old. He shared the multiple issues the system continues to have due to its age. The estimate to replace the system is approximately $1.8 million. Given the golf CIP budget restraints, he said golf staff will need to work with the City Manager, Parks and Recreation Director, and Finance Director to develop a funding mechanism to replace the irrigation system. Cornelius asked if the system could be replaced in sections. Ward said he suggests doing it all at once to minimize the disturbance to customers and the destruction to the course. He said it may also be hard to find a contractor that will do a few holes at a time over a four-to-five year period. Cornelius asked how much longer the system has. Ward said it should have been replaced a number of years ago. He said there are a lot of patches throughout the system. Mattison asked about raising green fees. Disch said they are lined up competitively with surrounding courses as of now. He said they are in the process of working with the Parks and Recreation Director on the 2021 fee schedule. Birno noted two years ago, the course began charging the 7.5% tax separate from fees, which had a very positive impact on revenue. Cornelius said the golf course is a huge asset to the City and suggested adding the irrigation system as a separate line item on the CIP. MOTION moved by Bergman and seconded by Weiswerda to move forward with the proposed 2021- 2030 Golf CIP draft budget, with the addition of a separate line item for the Golf Course Irrigation System. Motion carried unanimously. 8. COVID-19—Parks and Recreation Services Update Birno shared updates on Parks and Recreation services, including: - On-site Summer Playground programs, Hiking and Biking programs, and Camp Valley, all went very well. He noted GV families were very happy with the in-person programs. - Fall Soccer is moving forward with smaller teams, primarily a skills and drills format and a modified season. - Brookview pavilion capacities are now limited to 25 at the large and 12 at the small. - Senior trips have been cancelled through October. - Staff is beginning to research winter recreation options as well as reaching out to partnering communities. City of Golden Valley Open Space & Recreation Commission Regular Meeting Minutes July 27, 2020 – 6:30 pm 4 9. Commission and Staff Update • Staff and Commission Updates Mattison said Golden Valley Girls Softball did offer a modified season. He said the Board worked hard to get it going. • Summer Concerts Cancelled for 2020 Birno said after long consideration, all concerts have been cancelled for the season. • Lawn Bowling Green Open – Reduced Capacity Birno said the Lawn Bowling green will open Friday, July 3 with reduced capacity. No leagues or tournaments will be offered this season. He said so far the input on the new artificial turf has been positive. • Twin Town Throw Down Disc Golf Tournament Disch said the tournament was held Friday, July 19 with over 400 participants. They would like to host the tournament again next year. Birno thanked Disch and staff for all their work on the tournament. Disch added they will offer a 36-hole disc golf course this winter with possible tournaments and leagues. • Homeless People in Parks Bergman inquired about the city’s plan for homeless people camping in the parks. Birno said all Golden Valley parks close at 10 pm, so overnight occupancy is generally not appropriate. Sanberg added that city staff is working on a plan to monitor and handle these situations as they arise. Birno noted staff is also working on options for helping those in need find appropriate services. • Twin Lake Beach Mattison shared concerns regarding the activity at Twin Lake beach, along with the impact on Schaper Park and Theodore Wirth Park. Discussion focused on the possibility of making it an official, staffed beach with appropriate restrooms, access, parking, and safety measures. Sanberg said it’s a shared jurisdiction situation, and the City Manager, Mayor, and the Minneapolis Park Board, have discussed plans for appropriately moving forward. Birno added he will keep the OSRC updated as discussions continue between the two entities. • No meeting in August Birno reminded the Commission there is no meeting in August. • Next OSRC Meeting Date is September 29, 2020 Birno said the next meeting will be a golf course tour. 10. Adjournment MOTION moved by Bergman and seconded by Mattison to adjourn at 8:55 pm. Motion carried unanimously. _____________________________________ John Cornelius, Chair _________________________________ Sheila Van Sloun, Administrative Assistant