2020-04-21 In light of the recently declared COVID-19 health pandemic, the Mayor of the City of Golden Valley declared a local emergency under Minnesota Statute, section 12.37. In accordance with that declaration, beginning on March 16, 2020, all meetings of the Housing & Redevelopment Authority held during the emergency were conducted by telephone or other electronic means. The City used WebEx to conduct this meeting electronically. Members of the public were able to monitor the meetings by watching it on Comcast cable channel 16, by streaming it on CCXmedia.org, and by dialing in to the public call-in line. The public was able to participate in this meeting during public comment sections, including the public forum, by dialing in to the public call-in line. REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Housing and Redevelopment Authority Chair Fonnest. 1A. Roll Call Commissioners present: Chair Larry Fonnest, Commissioners Maurice Harris, Shep Harris, Gillian Rosenquist and Kimberly Sanberg Staff present: HRA Director Cruikshank, HRA Attorney Cisneros and City Clerk Luedke 2. Approval of Agenda MOTION made by Commissioner Rosenquist, seconded by Commissioner Shep Harris to approve the agenda of April 21, 2020, as submitted. Upon a vote being taken, the following voted in favor of: Larry Fonnest, Maurice Harris, Shep Harris, Gillian Rosenquist, and Kimberly Sanberg, the following voted against: none and the motion carried. 3. Consent Agenda MOTION made by Commissioner Gillian Rosenquist, seconded by Commissioner Maurice Harris to approve the consent agenda of April 21, 2020, as submitted. Upon a vote being taken, the following voted in favor of: Larry Fonnest, Maurice Harris, Shep Harris, Gillian Rosenquist, and Kimberly Sanberg, the following voted against: none and the motion carried. 3A. Approval of Minutes: 3A1. Approval of Housing and Redevelopment Authority Minutes – Work Session – December 15, 2019. 3A2. Approval of Housing and Redevelopment Authority Minutes – Regular Meeting – January 21, 2020. 3B. Approve the transfer of $2,968.75 to the City of Golden Valley for the payments to Bennett Community Consulting. 3C. Receive and file the April 2020 HRA Financial Reports. April 21, 2020 – 6:30 pm City of Golden Valley HRA Regular Meeting Minutes April 21, 2020 – 6:30 pm 2 4. Public Hearing 5. Old Business 6. New Business 6A. Adoption of Housing Strategic Plan Planning Manger Zimmerman presented the staff report and answered questions from the Commissioners. Ms. Cathy Bennett, Bennett Community Consulting, presented the recommendations for the Golden Valley HRA Housing Strategic Plan and answered questions from the Commissioners. Chair Fonnest asked the Commissioners if they would like to accept public input regarding the Golden Valley HRA Housing Strategic Plan. The Commissioners said that they would be open to accepting public input. The following participant addressed the Commissioners. Ms. Ruth Paradise, 8515 Duluth Street, said that she would be in favor of expanding the HRA Commission to include members of the Community. MOTION made by Commissioner Rosenquist, seconded by Commissioner Maurice Harris to adopt the Golden Valley HRA Housing Strategic Plan. Upon a vote being taken, the following voted in favor of: Larry Fonnest, Maurice Harris, Shep Harris, Gillian Rosenquist, and Kimberly Sanberg, the following voted against: none and the motion carried. 6B. Adoption of Fair Housing Policy Planner Campbell presented the staff report and answered questions from the Commissioners. The Commissioners discussed the Fair Housing Policy. MOTION made by Commissioner Sanberg, seconded by Commissioner Maurice Harris to adopt HRA Resolution 20-02, enacting the Fair Housing Policy of the Golden Valley Housing & Redevelopment Authority. Upon a vote being taken, the following voted in favor of: Larry Fonnest, Maurice Harris, Shep Harris, Gillian Rosenquist, and Kimberly Sanberg, the following voted against: none and the motion carried. 6C. Consider Resolution Approving Intent for HRA to Levy for a Housing Program Finance Director Virnig presented the staff report and answered questions from the Commissioners. MOTION made by Commissioner Shep Harris, seconded by Commissioner Maurice Harris to adopt HRA Resolution 20-03, approving Intent for HRA Levy for the Housing Program. Upon a vote being taken, the following voted in favor of: Larry Fonnest, Maurice Harris, Shep Harris, Gillian Rosenquist, and Kimberly Sanberg, the following voted against: none and the motion carried. City of Golden Valley HRA Regular Meeting Minutes April 21, 2020 – 6:30 pm 3 7. Adjournment MOTION made by Commissioner Rosenquist, seconded by Commissioner Shep Harris and the motion carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:02 pm. Upon a vote being taken, the following voted in favor of: Larry Fonnest, Maurice Harris, Shep Harris, Gillian Rosenquist, and Kimberly Sanberg, the following voted against: none and the motion carried. ________________________________ Larry Fonnest, Chair ATTEST: _________________________ Kristine A. Luedke, City Clerk