Schmidgal, Steve - 2019-2020 - Nov 16, 2019–Jan 31, 2020 financial reportt: 0 a z w E m z i;. CEIViE JAN 3 1 2020 CAMPAIGN FINANCIAL REPORT (Alf of the information in this report is pu is information) ,committee or corporation fii{M ld Y' l'JO UZ. Office sought or ballot question Type of report Candidate report Period of time covered by report: Campaign committee report Association or corporation report from �j % � ` to Final report CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED Give the total for all contributions received during the period of time covered by this report. Contributions should be listed by type (money or in -kind) rather than contributor. See note on contribution limits on the back of this form. Use a separate sheet to itemize all contributions from a single source that exceeded $100 during the calendar year. This itemization must include name, address, employer or occupation if self-employed, amount and date for these contributions. CASH $ DO TOTAL CASH -ON -HAND $ C(i% S I IN -KIND TOTAL AMOUNT RECEIVED = DISBURSEMENTS Include the amount, date and purpose for all disbursements made during the period of time covered by report. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Date Purpose Amount 2Ad VtV 15 $/r Cvn TOTAL 6 011. 6 Q CORPORATE PROJECT EXPENDITURES Corporations must list any media project or corporate message project for which contribution(s) or expenditure(s) total more than $200. Submit a separate report for each project. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Project title or description Date Purpose Name and Address of Recipient Expenditure or Contribution Amount TOTAL Printed Name _iOkk6191 PITHY Yep�hone?63-637-26/ Email (if available) Y'J C�Cc Address 1ZLPj rItmPSHIQ.e &g & 17,90aw IAL4-, i1mA s clz7 R 2 C4� A I