10-19-37 City Council MinutesJ 1 1 Oct.19,I937. Meeting called tf order by the Chairman (Paul A. Seeman). Members present:Frandeen,Seeman.,Engelbretson and Jghnsan. Reies,absent. Minutes of the previous meeting read. There being no corrections or objections,minates declared accepted as read. Motion by engelbretson seconded by Frandsen to grant the Calhoun Gun Club permit to operate a gun club an the prctcperty of John Gaffney. Shooting to take glace only between the hours of II:00 A,M. and 5:00 P.M. and not to conflict with the village ordinance. Frandsen.Seeman,Engelbretson and Johnson, (yes'). Motion by Johnson seconded by Frandsen to grant the Northern States Poorer ®o. permit to erect one pole on Cosner of Mth Ave north and Lenox Ave.,two poles on Lenox Ave. North between Uth Ave. north and I9th Ave. North,nine poles on Medecine Lake Road west from "D" Street. Frandeen,Seeman,Engelbreteon, and Johnsoh,(yew). Motion by Frandsen seconded by Johnson to grant building permits to Joseph Silita,Elliott Gillispie,Yictor Dejarlais and D.W.olin. Frnadeen, Seeman,Engelbretson, and Johnson, (yes-. Motion by Engelbretson seconded by Johnedn to recommend to the Hennepin Co. Welfare Board that sul*lemental aid be given to W.P.A. workers with defioluncy budget. Seeman,Engelbreteon and Johnea$,(yes) Frandsen (no). Motion by Johnson seconded b Englebretson to accept the bid of the Scully Steel products Co.of 1431.80 for all steel for bridge over Bassette Creek on "D" Street. Frandsen, Seeman, Engelbretson, and Johnson, (yes). Motion by Engelbretson seconded by Johnson to accept bid of the Century Washed Sand & Gravel Co. of $1.50 per ton for gravel and $.75 per ton for sand with 5% discount. Frandsen,Seeman, Engelbretson, and Johnson (yes). Motion by Engelbretson seconded by Johnson to fund the Planning Comm. with $10.00 for inaidentials they may need. Frandeen,Seeman, Engelbretson, and Jchnson,(yes). A proposed ammendment to the Electric ordinance was read. Motion by Engelbretson seconded by Johnson to adjourn was so ordered. Raceipts--------------------------------------------------- $9.00 Expenditures -------------------------------------- -----_-4?9.99 mc erk i