05-02-39 City Council MinutesMay 2, 1939 lueeting called to order by the chair,-,-Ian (Paul A. Seer.,an) Members Present: Seeman, Frandsen, Reiss, and Wil son Mini :.,te,,,. of 'he previous meeting read. There bein, no correct ions or objections, minutes declared accented as read. Moticn by Wilson seconded by Frandsen to -rant pernit to the 111ple. 0 General Electric to erect one role on Peter Pan Lane between Zenith .nd Park Veiw Boulevard. Seer-mr-n, Frandsr-gin, Reiss, 77iiscn (Yes) Motion brJ Frandsen seconded by Reiss to grant a 3.2 on sale liscense to Hart Du Prey at the Surericr Golf Course. 7 .1 scn (Yes) Seem!:�.n,Frandsen, Reiss, ii 1roticn by Reiss seco-nded '�y Frandsen to grant I. S. R,U1 s,-,-*ck a 3.2 off C, s�-_-,le beer liscense and a soft drip" ' I liscense.. --_, Seeman, Fr,ndsen, Reiss, Wilson (Yes) I'lotion by Reiss seconded bIT Frandsen to accent the recommendation of the Planning Conmiissicn waiving the side yard _,,equirennents on lot 4 CD of block I of EcNiair Manor. Seer,14an, Frandsen, Reiss, Wilson (Yes) An ap--.licaticn from TV. S. Smcch for tilm fire 1,7iorks l-,,scenses was read. 11 0 t 4 " on by Frandsen secor ded by Reiss that this arplicaticn be laid over until the -council t=-hes act icn to -';rant rs)rant fireworks Seem-'n,, Frandsen, Reiss, Milson Ye A co__-"Unication from J.D. Fruen petitioning the Council to abwndon that certain tort-*cn of t1hc hcrth .silde of South �D Tyrol Trail bet�xeen France Avenue and Brenner Pa--s, ?.nd lying between the north line of the present graded.street and the 1-4.n-- as indicated cated in the plat thereof, -nd accel.-,t in return therefor a strip of likewidth and like F--mcunt of land cf the south side of the said Trail as it is laid out and specified on the plat of Tyrol Hills. Motion b­ Reiss seconded by Will.scn that He.-man Beyer by i-structed- 0 put the dump at 19 th and Glenwocd Parkl,,,-�ray into proper sha-fe :.ithin the next t o weeks or his request 'cr rer-.,,;it vill be rejected. S-ernian, Frardsen., Reiss, Wilson (Yes) Mioticn by Reiss seconded by 17i1scn to adopt the following resolution; Whereas, at least 51 per cent Hills, Henn. , 1.1i of the owners of prorerty al-utting Cou--ty u-on certain streets in West Tyrol Hi_I_ �I nn. a platted _L e?Finn., hf-7ve petitIcned Additilon local-ed in. the Villa7e of Golden Valley, the Council of said Villa-e to grr�de, pave, -nd ctheri-,rise improve the streets of said riatted Addition;and Tlereas, said Village Council has det--�rmined th-t the required -nercen,, tave of -ror'erty o,iners has signed s-id petition; The,-.L,efore' Be escveat- IN o IV J, It Rld:Ththe petition be and it hereby is referred to Albert- Graber, an engineer, 1;,,ho shall report the--,.eon to the Council ---ith -ell convenlient s----ed. Said report shall advise the Council in the rrelin-Iinary way as to --hether in the orinicn " of -,aid en-ineer the rrc­o��.ed in,provenent should be o-ade as expressly pet -,--".-.icned for or in con ection with some other i�prcvement nct petitioned fcr, and as to the -robable cost of the i_.rcve..,e.1t or improvements, if nmiade as petitioned fcr or otherwise, and such other information as nay be pertinent to the -ratter under consideration. Said rep( -rt shall be in miriting and shall be file-. by s -id engineer with the Villa -e Recorder not lated th�niln May 16, 1939. Seefan,Frandsen,Reiss, Wilson (Yes) Motion by Wilson seconded by Reiss to ap�roiate fifty do-IL--rB to the Lilas Day Celebration May 208, 1939. Seeman, Frandsen., Reiss, Wilson (Yes) Candid ted. we7e nominated for the o-j'.fice of Trustee. Lester Johnson was nominated by Wilson R,skob was nominated by Reiss Voting six tiles by secret ballot each ended in a tie vote- Johnson- 2 Raskcb- 2 Clarence Tolg was nominated by Wilson Bill Sweeny was nominated by Reiss Voting six, times by secret ballot each ende in a. tie vote Tolgr a Sweeny- 2 Don Fure ' n was nominated by $60man William Bush was nominated by Reiss Vctinz four times by secret ballot each ended in a tie vote Furen- 2 Bush- 2 Motion by Frandsen seconded by Reiss to adjorn wa,-, so ordered. Rectipt Expenditures % Clerk