05-21-42 Special Meeting;i ncil. The Counci: tea 1 at once consider such report, and k" accept and by resolution approve the same with such revision and amendments as it may deem necess-ry. A copy of the report as approved, shall be filed with the resolution in the proceedings of the Council; a copy of the report and reso- lution, properly certified, shall be attached to t.ie plat of the Village in the office of toe Register of Deeds of Hennepin County and to the Mat of the Village in the office of ttie Village Clerk; and the numbers assigned :may 'be ent ed upon the agoroLLpriate blocks and lots indicated on said plats. Itshall be ; the duty of the dut ., � , i�I once to notify the owners, agents, lessors or occupants of such houses or buildings, either by mail, publication, or t e 1 e phone , of the'�`�^-�L Sect on 6. REPORT OF BUILDI+tG T=11. R. 9+lhenever an house Y or other building is to be erected hereafter, a number shall be assigned a , 4, ., t the time <_ the bA l4ing permit is granted thereh":1 r. Omy " before the thirty firmer- , JapuV,y, -of - each year hereaf ter it: "shall be the duty of the Building Inspeet0 to' ipir�t" certificates stating the new numbers assigned during the preceding calendar year, whether upon inquiry by the owner, agent, lessor, occupant, or .,I otherwise, and send one to the Register of Deeds of Hennepin County for attaching to the plat of the Village as aforesaid, and to attach another to the plat in the office of the Village Clerk. Such numbers may be appropriately entered upon said plats. Section 7. PENALTY. Whoever shall fail to comply with the provisions of t:Lis ordinance, or whoever shall faill to affix to or display upon any house or building the proper number as herein provided, or whoever shall affix to or display upon any house or building any such numbers other than those assigned to it, shall be guilk— of a misdemeanor; and upon conviction therefor shall be more a fined not imm than $100.00 (One Hundred Dollars) or shall be imprisoned for a term of not More than ninety (90) days. Section 8. INVALIDY OF PART NOT TO AFFECT REh�AINING PARTS. The invalid ity of `~v part or parts of this ordinance shall not affect the validity of the remai I � p�tr t • - •s-�at �.`�ix ^'Ar _ '^;^.�.: x51 _- ;•-'� .a_ .. " '�-;"�.'�R�-: t;.,, n 0 0 Section. NCONSISTRIT ORDINANCES REpi—AI—JV. Any ordinancy or parts of orldinances-�111111 or of an ordinance in conflict with this ordinance or any provision hereof are hereby repealed. Section 10. EFFECT. This ordinance shall take eifect and be in force from and after its pass -gee and approval. „Passed 'by the Villa -re Council this (SSL) day of 1942. PRESIDENT ()F TI -11F, COUNCIL A Ree.9rder The President set aside a time at thf*meeting',to be constitutea'ai'&'PuWlic 16IM9 on the above and previous read ordlnance:audcalled upon the audience and public'%p voice and express their convictions and.feelings pro and con as to the merits anV,- demerits of the ordinance. Ever . yone addressing the Council being highly In favor of the Ordinance and there being no, -Terson opposed to the Ordinance, the President closed the Public Searing and asked for the roll call of the Council. Raskop, Busch, Frandsen, Yes. Motion carried. The next matter bought before the Council was the matter of the second reading of the publication and public hearing concerning the change of Zoning Ordinance. Motion rb-y onded by Busch to adopt the following ordinance- PW9i A==)* TH3 3WM ORDINANCE BY ZOWW A -- DISTRICT aw jrjjUV Council of the VUlao of Golden Valley does ordain as follolm; Sectios 6 of tlk^$ **rtain ordinanos passed MV 3, 1938, and known as the Zoning Ordin&noo,is amended by adding to t)&* second paragraph thereof the Commercial District is established as folloftl That certain tract of land lying in Block Ton of Tarmallt 0016ft VSIUW Outlots described as follows: Commencing at a point in the northeasterly line of the Medicine Lake Roads distant 483 feet S. R. from the Intersection of said road with the Fast 114# of "DO Street: thence at, right angles to the North line of said Block 10: th North the intersection ofOUS SUSet'# I Is thence Soutboasterly along the North line 0:r *"OU0 Lake Road to the p of beginning. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its adoption. Passed by the Tillage Council this ZU day of , 1942. Attest: �cor$e3r Presi W- oi" the village COMOU The President asked the Council to set aside a time to conduct a Public Bearing so that if there was anyone in the audience who wished to voice their opinions either pro or con to kindly rise and give their name. There being no one present at the Hearing opposing the change in the ordinance, the President closed the Public Hearing by calling the roll of the Council. Raskop Frandsen Busch, Yes. motion carried. The President called for a report from the Road Committee and the Chairman of the Road Committee reported that there were many places that should be visited by the committee, the attorney and the officials, and it was agreed that_& tour of inspect- ion would be made in the near future and the date would be set by the ChaIrman of the Road do'i ittee, Frandsen. The matter of vacating the old medicine Lake Road was brought before the Council and the matter was turned over to the Attorney and the Road Committee for its'nroper disposition. The attorney stated that he would contact Chairman Frandsen and the Mayor and a tour of inspection would be made and a report brought back to the Council. Mr. Kane reported that he had a letter from Richfield regarding the question of whether or not the Village of Golden Valley could gain a reduction in fire insurance premium by having proper fire equipment. Mr. Kane gave a report on this matter. A letter was also read from Tyrol Hills*;,Incorporated in regard to the need of a volun- teer fire department. -The matter was thorotighly discussed on the Council floor bg the members of the Council and there being no resolution offered, the President point- ed &committee of citizens to investiate the possibilities of a reduction in fire _ insurance premium, the amount of money we could procure from the state collected,by them as a surtax charge which now is distributed aprarently to our neighboring muncipalities all -of which we -obtain no revenue from. The committee was also tq,�; investigate the possibility of purchasing a volunteer fire department from some of the companies -such as W. S. Nott Company and Flour City Body. Corporation. The follow- ing members were appointed to this committee to make up the fire department committee: Fletcher Olson, Phillip Swan, Charles Hartupee, Art Campbell and Sheldron Ostrood. The committee was instructed to contact Captain Campbell of the North Side Fire Barns first, to obtain material which already has been gathered. The committee is to elect their own chairman. Mr. Kene geve a report concerning the leasing or renting of village equipment and he read a letter from the Attorney General and made the recommendation that it was in- advisable and illegal for the village to rent or least its equipment to any individual. Mr. Kane reported that he had appeared before Judge Montgomery in regard to the Glenurban Special Assessment and Tax Case in which the plantiff was asking for excessive court costs and reimbursements and witness fees. Mr. Kane reported that the plantiff asked $250 and up. Mr. Kane stated that the court granted his motion to disapprove all of the planiff's excessive costs. In regard to the hext matter of inf inished business, the Clerk presented an ap-oli- cation for a 3.2 off sale license by J. B. Rouse. Mr. Casey reported that the fee had been paid and recommended that the license be granted to Mr. Rouse. Motion by Frandsen and seconded by Busch that the license be granted. Raskop Busch Frandsen Yes Motion carried. Mr. Rouse also made application for a soft drink license. Mr. Casey reported that the fee had been paid to the treasurer's office and recommended that the license be granted as he knew the individual personally. Motion by Frandsen and seconded by Busch that the license be granted. Raskop Frandsen Busch, Yes. Motion carried. The clerk next presented an application for a soft drink license by Geo. E. Riggen to be used at Sixth Avenue North and Archibald. Mr. Casey reported that the fee had been paid and recommended that the license be granted. Motion by Frandsen and - seconded by Busch that the license be granted. Raskop Frandsen Busch Yes Motion carried. A letter was read written by Mrs. Coughren, the relief worker which letter had been written by Mr. Juno offering suggestions in the handling of the village relief problems. Said letter was ordered placed on file. A letter was read of inquiry as to the amount of sorgum mills we had in this district. It was ordered to be replied by the Clerk that we had no such mills here. The President raised the question of getting culverts for a resident in Delphian Heights. The Chairman of the Road Committee reported that it was impossible to purchase culverts at this time. The matter was referred to the Road Committee. Mr. W. A. Moes of Tyrol Hills appeared before the Council and presented the names of eight people who wished to have their gutters and driveways fixed so their bumpers on their cars would not hit the cobblestones. The matter was referred to Road Committee. A report and request was made to the council why Mr. Graber was not paid for the engineering services for the Glenurban section. Matter.was thoroughly discussed and was decided that Mr. Graber would necessarily have to wait until all the other items covered by the bond issued were paid. Mr. Raskop raised the question as to the licensing of milk trucks in Goldei)Valley such as is carried out in all other billages and townships. Mr. Frandsen stated there was an ordinance passed by the Council some years ago and Mr. Kane reported that when the new Ordinance books were complied he found no trace of any ordinance ever having been passed. After a thorough discussion of the matter from the Council floor, motion was made by Frandsen seconded by Busch that the Attorney be instruct- ed to investigate the various ordinances used in St. Louis Park, Edina, Robbinsdale, and Morningside. Said report to be completed and brought back to the Council at its next regular meeting. Raskop Frandsen Busch, Yes. Motion carried. The matter was presented by Mr. Moes and Mr. Landry that the gutters in Tyrol Hills should be cleaned out, that the water was forced to run in the street because the gutters were so packed with obstructions and foreign matter. There being no fur- ther Council action, the matter was referred to the Road Committee. Motion by Busch seconded by Frandsen that the Council adjourn. Rastop Frandsen Busch, Yes. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned.