05-06-47 City Council MinutesMay 6, 1947 The Village council of the Viiiage of Golden Valley met on May 6 at the Village Mall with Lhe 7oliowing present: President Swenson, Trustees Frandsen, Pinch, Putnam and xeiss. Minutes of the regular meeting held on April 15 were read and on motion by Pinch, approved. Treasurer's report dated April 15 showing a balance oz k,7282.78 was placed on file with the Clerk. On motion by Pinch seconded by Frpndsen it was unani- mously voted to approve payment of the following bills totalling $2230.07: 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 97 918 919 920 921 Ai McGinnis Everett rTandsen Geo. Homberger Arno Denzin Ferdinand Holzheu (Above orders issued for Chester E. Campbell John Y. Lnghauser vortbestern rjell 'Telephone Warner hardware Co. Northern States rower Co. Charles V. Lindrud Leg Cabin Service Station Woodfill Service City of Minneapolis J. A. Curtis Printing Co. Swan Erickson H. W. Hamman J. A.Curtis Printing Co. Erma Schulz Landers Aorblom Christenson H. V. Johnston Culvert Co. Medicine Lake Garage Wm. H. Ziegler Co. Thompson Lumber Co. Wm. H. Zieg.ier Co. Geo. T. Rygn Co. payment) Co. Co. Suburban Hennepin County helief bd. Donald r. Hyer 101.10 84.90 88.80 144.23 87.80 9.00 9.00 14.50 1.44 23.04 6.50 34.89 87.15 350.00 6.75 129.60 52.80 79.51 36.00 45.10 297.00 15.25 117.79 1.00 2.56 300.00 5.00 99.36 4;J-l;jU.U7 Mr. Sidney Blacker, President of the Superior Uol-f' Club appeared., requesting action on the license applications submitted at the April 15 meeting. Mr. Kane statea that there were no legal objections tD granting the licenses, and the motion by feiss seconded by Fvra,ndsen to approve the applications for cigarette, soft drink, On -Sale beer, and Club Liq4uor licenses and to authorize the issuance of the licenses received the zoilowing vote: Frandsen, Pinch, Putnam, Reiss and Swenson - Yes. 5 36 The motion by Pinch seconded by Putnam to give a second reading to an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE AMhwD- ING Tht ZONny ORDINAW Oi THE VILLAGE Of GOLDEN VALLEY AND REZONING CERTAIN LANDS FROM OPEN Dr.; tLOPMENT DISTRICT TO COMMUNITY STORE" (Lindstrom) received the following vote: Frandsen, Pinch, Putnam, Reiss and Swenson - Yes. The ordinance was given its second reading. A Mr. tokaboy spoke in opposition to the rezoning of the Lindstrom property next door to his home, and a Mr. Hawkins of 293 Xerxes Avenue stated that a store would be n convenience to the community. The motion by Reiss seconded by Frandsen to give a second reading to "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDi- NANCE OF THE JiLLAGE OF GOLDEN VALLEY AND REZONING CERTAIN LANDS FROM OPEN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TO COMMUNITY STORE" [Woodfiii) received the foilowin0 b vote: Yrandset,Pinch., Putnam, Reiss and Swenson - Yes. There was no further discussion from the floor regarding the rezoning. ORDINAT,TCE Motion by Reiss seconded by Frandsen to approve the BK*21P,33 above ordinances, combine them for purposes of publication, ana order their publication received the foil oaring vote: Frandsen, Pinch, Putnam, Reiss and Swenson - Yes. A written application Submitted by Gordon E. Greene, Rt #I, Wayzata for license to pperate a motion picture theatre at Turners Cross Road and Wayzata Boulevard was read. Bank money order for 175.00 and surety bond in the sum oz _43000.00 and reierences as to applicant's financial responsibility and character accompanyed the application. it was brought out that the theatre would seat &UO patrons., cost approximately [150,000. and be one unit of a shopping center, the total construction costs of which would be approximately $500,000. Architects' drawings were exhibited showing the theatre and the shopping center to be developed by Mrs. Herman Held. Mr. Louis Shore, attorney for the applicant, and Mr. Van Valkenburg, attorney for Mrs . held, spoke on the application requesting the Uouncii to avoid delay in taking action upon it. Following general aiscussion from the floor regarding the value of such a project to the Village and its particular advantage to Meadowbrook School District from the standpoint of taxable value, and following withdrawal of a notion by Frandsen seconded by Reiss to referthe application to the Planning Commission, there was a motion by Reiss seconded by Frandsen to declare a special meeting of` the Wounoli for May 13 to act on the application, which received the following vote: Frandsen, Yes; Pinch, Yes; Putnam, No; Reiss, Yes; Swenson, fee. in the open hearing in the matter of rezoning of the Lazerte property, the regal description of which is as follows: All that tract or parcel of land described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the Last Line of Government Lot 3, with the North line of Medicine Lake Road, thence North 217 8/10 feet along the East line 3'7 of eaia Government Lot 3, thence West 430 feet parallel with the North Line of saki Road, thence South 217 8/1u feet parallel with th.; east line of said Government Lot 3 to the worth Lille of said road, thence Nast 430 feet along said road line to beginning, except road, ai.i in section 28, Township 118, Range 21, Hennepin County, Minn. A Mr. Claude Jones, a Mr. Gibson, Oscar Jones and a Mr. hill spoke in favor oz the rezoning. Opposition to any rezoning of the area was expressed by Mr. Mansfield, Blosjo, Frank Rose and others. No action was taken by the Council other than the decision that Mr. Pinch would consult further with interested parties to determine if any agreement could be reached following the establishment of definite plans, and that the applicant would require at least 50jo support of the property owners within a h aif mile radius to have the area rezoned. A petition submitted by Mr. R. C. Cummer and others to open up Summit Avenue between Wayzata Blvd. and Laurel Avenue in Confer and Erickson's Addition was, on motion by Putnam seconded by Reiss and unanimously approved, referred to the attorney to determine it the petition were sufficient 'to qualify for a hearing in the matter of proceeding with this work on a special assessment basis. On motion 'by Putnam seconded by Frandsen to give a first reading to AN ORDI1,ANCE TO CORRECT THE ZONI%G ORDINANCE 0F' THE V ILLA Gt Or' GOLDEiv VALLEY A14D ESTABLISHING ThE BOUiZARY LINES OF A CERTt' 11A COMMUNITY STORt; DISTRICT, (hay) the following vote was recorded: Frandsen, Pinch, Putnam, Reiss and ST enson - Yes. The ordinance was given its first reading. On motion by Reiss seconded by Putnam to give a first reading to an ordinance entitled A16 ORDI1uAIACE AMEND1i4G THE ZONlk,CU ORDINAIXE Or, 'i"t- E V 1:LLAUL 014 GOLDKt VALLt Y A1JL REZONIiZ CERTAIN LANDS, fhOM OPEN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TO COMMU.LiI`t'Y STONE (Enghauser) the following vote was recorded: Frandsen, Pinch, Putnam, Reiss and Swenson - Yes. The ordinance was given its first reading. A communication dated April 15, 1947 from Carl Guist re ouestzng rezoning of the following described area was read, together with a letter from the Planning Commission dated April 23, 1947 stating that they had considered the reouest and reeomxnended the rezoning: Ail that part of the Test ten acres of the East twenty and one-half acres of the Southwest one-quarter of the i,iorthwest one-quarter of Section 32, Township i18, Range 21 lying South of road, all in Hennepin County, Minn. Motion by Putnam seconded by Reiss to declare an open hearing for May 20 to consider the rezoning of this area and for the Cerk to post notice thereof recieved the hollowing vote: Frandse, Pinch, Putnam, Reiss and Swenson - Yes. '3 Communication dated April 17 front! L. P. Zimmerman, County Highway Engineer, stating that County highways running through the village were to be reconditioned during the 1947 season was read. A discussion of the ditches in Turners Cross Road forth from Wayzata Boulevard caused by laying of gas main was fol+owed by a motion by Reiss secor&d by Putnam that the Attorney write the Gas Company requesting them to fill the ditches, which motion was unanimousyy approved. Communication dated April 25 from H. V. Kindseth, Chairman of the Plat Committee of the Planning Commission stated that prelim nary approval had been given to the mcCormick plat submitted with the letter. Motion by Putnam seconded by heirs was unanimously approved: That the Council extend preliminary approval of the plat. Copy of communication dated May 5, 1947 addressed to A. J. Chesley of the State Board of Health, by :4. C. Jacobson, anc pertaining to sewage disposal in Delphian Heights,was read. bir. b. G. Favre stated that he was interested in accuiring property at the Northeast corner of the Go den valley Road and Trunk Highway 100 providing that the area could be rezoned to accommodate a service store for garden implements and related items and a gasoline service station. He was told that rezoning would require the usual open hearing and consent of the adjacent property owners. building inspector's report for April. showed 2i per- mits for total owners' valuation of kl8l,000. and p1mbi.ng inspector's report for the month of April showed l6 permits for a totai owners' valuation of 412,000. Quarterly police report from January l through March 31 and report for the month of April were read. :in discussing the desirability of having Mrs. firma Schulz commissioned as a. notary pubic for acknowledgments on building permits, Mr.Kane expressed the opinion, that the Village could not legally pay the fee. Motion by Putnam seconded by Reiss end unanimously carried that Mrs. Erma Schulz act in the capacity of Deputy Clerk with authority as such limited to acknowledging builaing per- mits and issuing dog licenses and that she also act as deputy registrar for the purpose of accepting voters' registrations,. and that she be authorized to perform these specific duties on behalf of the Clerk. Motion by Reiss seconded by Pince was unanimously approved to refer the request of Mrs. Yayme Hyer for rezoning to the Planning Commission. r'oiiowing a discussion of Arno Denzin's having verbally conveyed to council members his intention to resign as road foreman, motion by Pinch seconded by Reiss 39 that the Council take no action to raise any salaries at this time was unanimously approved. The following receipts were reported up to April 15: Golden Valley Lutheran Church Hail huntal 12.00 John Y'. tnghauser Court Fines 261.25 273.25 Orders f880-893 were issued covering bilis approved April 1. On motion the meeting then adjourned. Attest: Clerk President