05-03-49 City Council MinutesMay 3, 1949 A regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Golden Valley was held pursuant to due notice thereof on May 3, 1949 at 7:30 o'clock P.M. at the Village Hall, with the following members present: President Stasel, Trustees pinch, Putnam and Stark. Absent: Trustee Reiss. Minutes of the April 19 meeting were read and on motion by Putnam seconded by Pinch annroved. Mr. Sidney Blacker representing Kiddieland, Inc. presen- ted a letter dated May 3rd recuesting a change of site of the proposed location of Kiddieland from the northwest area of the intersection of Floyd Olson Highway near France Avenue to a. new area on the northeast corner of Floyd Olson Highway and the Belt Line. Mr. Blacker explained that the news area was more desir- able from a parking and traffic stand point. Motion by Stark seconded by Pinch carried that the license be granted per annl.i- cation on file. The meeting was then opened for consideration of two appli- cations for license to construct, maintain and overate drive-in theatres in the Village of Golden Valley. The application of the Minnesota Entertainment Enterprise, Inc. was read. Air. Claude Allen, attorney, anpeared in behalf of the M.E.T. and requested that a hearing be set to rezone from open development to community store district an area, of about 44.5 acres at the northeast intersection of Tayzata, Boulevard and County Road #18 and if such rezoning was effected a request would then be made for a license to construct and operate a. drive-in theatre. Air. B. B. Markham, attorney representing Mr. A.F.R. Svensson, appeared and stated he was presenting an application for a. drive- in theatre license and that the -action by the 1.7-7. was an attempt to forstall action by the Council on his anolica.tion. An Application for a, drive-in license for Mr. A.F.R. Svensson was read. The rronosed site of the drive-in is at the north- east intersection of Olson Memorial Highway and the Belt Line. Yr. Markham stated the estimated cost of the drive-in was $80,000.00. her. A. C. Godward, consulting engineer, presented a lay --out and sketch of the pronosed drive-in and explained that the nroposed location was ideal from a traffic stand point. Mr. Markham stated a deputized patrolman hired at the expense of the licensee could be employed to control traffic at the exit when the shows are over. A petition dated May 3, 1949 was presented by Mr. H. B. Schwartz, 4008 Olson Highway and signed by thirty two other persons objecting; to the drive-in theatre was read. Mr. Yingst, whose name was on the petition and lives near the proposed site, inquired. about the problem of parking of cars and the noises that would be caused in the theatre area. Mrs. White, whose name was on the petition and living near the area, stated she opposed of this drive-in because of the noise and nuisance it would cause. Mr. K.N. Crovell, at- torney for the Golden Valley Theatre Corp. stated that consideration was being given to extablishment of a drive- in before a conventional theatre was completed and tried. Lyle Larsen stated that a drive-in theatre was turned down nreviously although there were no objections from residents living near the proposed site and sta..ted•tha.t the anrlicant at that time should have an opportunity to apply for a drive- in license. A discussion by the Council followed on the various arguments presented. Motion by Putnam that the Coun- cil consider the matter of the drive-in license at its next meeting on May 17th and decide whether a drive-in theatre license should or should not be granted was seconded by Pinch. Mr. Stasel stated that publicity would be given on this matter to encourage interest in the drive-in Question before the next meeting. Mr. Claude Allen reouested that the Coun- cil call a. hearing on rezoning of the northeast area at the intersection of Wayzata Blvd. and County Road #18. It was explained that a master zoning plan for the Village has just been completed. The motion was nut to a vote and carried. Members of the Council explained to Mr. Allen the pro- cedures to follow to rezone areas. 'Motion by Putnam that the Council at its Vay 17 meeting; consider any apnlication on sites so zoned to sunport enternrizes for which the areas are zoned. After further discussion, Mr. Stasel stated that the Council would act as a committee of the whole to study the matter before the next meeting. A letter dated Anril 26, 1949 from the planning Commiss- ion was read. The Planning Commission recommended that the request of Northfield & Southern R.R. be granted to rezone a parcel of property on the north side of 6th Avenue and west of said R.R. from onen develonment to commercial district with certain provisions. The meeting was then opened to consider- ation of this proposal. Mr. Don Morgan opposed the rezoning of this area stating tht among other reasons no control could be exercised on the type of industry that could be built there. Mr. Cameron, representing the Golden Valley Golf Club appeased, and also opposed rezoning this area. Mr. Thomas living near the nroposed site al6o opposed the rezoning. Yr. Carl Hipn stated he was opposed to any hep.vy industry in the pronosed rezoned area in view of his development some distance north- east of this area... Discussion centered on the probable rev- enue that would be obtained if the rezoning was effected. Mr. Davennort of the MN & S. R.R. stated that it was the in- tent of the R.R. to sell the property to private industry. Air. Hetland of the Planning Commission stated that he felt the Planning Commission recommended the rezoning of this area with the thought that revenue would be obtainable and reouested that the matter be referred back to the Planning Commission for further study. Mr. Pinch stated that the R matter was of a legal nature which the Village attorney could determine and report to the Council at its next meeting. Motion by Pinch th?.t "AN ORDINANCE A117NDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE Or TTTr VILLAGE OF GOLDEN VALL7Y AND REZONING C7RTATN LANDS BY 7STABLTSTT-- ING A CrRTAIN COA9rTRCIAL DTSTPTCT" be given its first reading was seconded by Putnam and carried. The ordinance was given its first reading. Motion by Pinch to annrove first reading of the ordinance was seconded by Stark and. carried. Putnam suggested the Village attorney look up the problem of revenue and to re- tort in writing to the Council before its next meeting. Motion by Putnam seconded by Stark carried to give a. first reading to "AN ORI)TNANCT AVWTNT)TXG THE BTTILT)TNT(.,, O'RT)TNANC'T or TT4r VILLAGE' OF GOLDEN VALLEY" The ordinance was given its first rending and motion by Putnam to approve the first reading was seconded by Stark and carried. Item 2 of April 26 letter from the Planning Commission recommended rezoning of a 20 foot strin of property south of 6th Ave. North and abutting a west side of the -oresent right of way of the M N & S R 'R from oven development to community district with several Drovisions. After discussion the Vill- age attorney stated thrat it was his opinion that rezoning was not necessary because the new R R track to be placed would be on present R R nro-oerty and the 20 ft strin to be acquired was primarily for sloping purposes. Item 4 of the Planning Commission's April 26th letter recommended that Yr. M. K. Patterson, 27 South Tyrol Trail, be annointed to fill the unexpired term of Dr. C. T. Rudolph, Jr. resigned. Motion by Pinch seconded. by Stark carried to appoint Mr. Patterson to a term expiring December 31, 1951. Item 5 of the Planning Commission's letter recommended that the name of ';heeler Blvd. from its intersection from Naner Street to its intersection with Hillsborough be called. Hillsborough Ave. No action was taken. Item 6 of the Planning Commission letter recommended that the Building Insnector be authorized to issue a build- ing permit for Lot 54 Aud. Sub Div. 330 waiving the area requirements but maintaining all required uired clearances. Vot- ion by Putnam was seconded by Pinch and carried that area requirements be waived but maintaining all reouired clear- ances. Item 7 of the Planning Commission letter recommended that the Building Inspector be authorized to issue a build- ing permit to Mr. C. R. Holstrom, 3416 North Valley Vier Drive, for the erection of a, garage. Motion by 'Putnam to waive side yard recuirements in accordance with Planning Commiss16n recommendation was seconded by Stark and Tarried. mrs. Fay, 1110 Lilac Drive, annea.red and complained about a neighbor who purchased a large number of chicks, starting that a. nuisance would be created. Terzich was in- structed to investigate the situation and consult with the Village attorney on possible action. In a letter dated Vay 21 1949 and signed by twelve persons residing on Parkview Terrace requested that stop signs be erected at the intersection of Meadow Lane end Parkview Terrace to control the speed of traffic. Terzich was instructed to make a study of the situation and to place signs if it was considered necessary. In a letter dated Anril 28, 1949 Mr. B. M. Cole of the Robbinsdale Co. Jehovah's Witnesses recuested the use of the Village Hall on July 31, August 7, 14, 21. Motion by Putnam was seconded by Stark and carried to grant the use of the hall as requested at $3.00 Der meeting. Motion by Putnam seconded by Pinch carried to grant the Minneapolis Gas Co. approval for wain extensions per their map No. 380 and drawing No. 98. Conies of the Building, Tlectrical and Plumbing monthly reports for April were read and placed on file. Discussion centered on the repair costs of the Police car. An estimate of 4500.00 by Cliff's Garage was .reported. After further discussion, motion by Putnam was seconded by Stark and carried to advertise and accent bids for one police car at its next meeting on May 17. Motion by Putnam was seconded by Pinch to grant the following licenses per application on file. 77 Mike Bobgan 78 Jerry Cramer 79 C. C. and Marion Florida 80 Robert H. Ringstad 81 Jerry Cramer 82 Burton S. Waldron 83 C B. Case 84 C. B. Case 85 Kiddieland, Inc. 86 Jerry Cramer Soft Drink License Soft Drink License Soft Drink License Soft Drink License Non-Intox . Ita.lt Bev. "Off Sale" Non-Intox. Malt Bev. "Off Sale" Pin Ball Machine License Pin Ball Machine License Public Amusement Center Cigarette License Treasurer's report dated Anril 19 showed a, balance in all funds of $11,427.85 and the following receipts totaling $1,212.29 and a copy was places on file: Received From Hardware Mutual Ins. 0. B. Case Marion & C. C. Florida John F. Enghauser Henn. Cty Sec. Welfare For Amount Refund Policy x#903837 23.39 Pin Ball machine License 100.00 Tavern License 600.00 Justice Court Fines 460.50 Bunke Bros Relief ray. 28.40 Total Receints 1,212.29 Motion by Putnam seconded by Stark carried to annrove the following bills in the total amount of $2,070.40. 2262 Arno Denzin 4109.40 w 2263 Everett Frandsen 91.30 2264 Jacob Holzheu 10.001 2265 Ralph H. Lidster 25.00 � 2266 Charles V. Lindrud 69.20 2267 Patrick J. Loaney 110.10" 2268 Al McGinnis 125.20 �\ 2269 Donald Mullaney 80.60', 2270 Katherine J. Rice 91.10 -, 22.71 Louis Terzich 138.20.\ 2272 Julius Schmal, Treas. 26.10-, 2273 Geo. A. Homberger 103.90-, 2274 Wally Gutowski 40.00 -\ 2275 Cliff's Garage 97.00A 2276 Carl Quist 9.40-,N 2277 N.P. Bell Tel Co. 18.00A 2 278 No. 9t9tes Power Co. 26.35A 2279 Landers-Norblom-Christensen 29.55- 9.552280 2280 "gym. H. Ziegler, Inc. 23.46- 3.46a2281 2281 J. A. Curtis 13.55A 2282 Jans-Olson 47.50N 2283 Twin City Truck Co. 19.80 2284 Minn Fire Equip. Co. 135.67A, 2285 Thompson Lumber Co. 2.10 2286 H. W. Hamman 52.12 2287 Lester L. Mstad 26.01,\' 2288 Swan Erickson 61.60^ 2289 Sub Henn Go Relief Rd. 274.51- 74.51A2290 2290 Pomerleau & Son 2.50.\ 2291 Hyer's Service 205.18-% 2292 John Enghauser 6.00 22070.47 Orders 2246/2261 apnroved Anril 19 and orders 2262/2274 above were issued for na.yment. Terzich exnlained to the Council regarding his discussion with lir. Braddock, Park Board Engineer, on the drainage dif- ficulties along Glenwood Parkway just north of 19th Avenue and also on the sewage problem in the Valley View Park. Terzich was instructed to check on the sewaa_e problem for a possible solution. Terzich explained the verbal request of Harry Lund, Kelly Drive regarding the possible construction of an east - west road on the half section line at the end of Kelly Dr. Discussion by the Council concluded that the development of this road rested with the subdivider in the same manner that roads are constructed in other subdivisions. Motion by Stark to adjourn to May 17th was seconded by Putnam and carried. Attest: Village Clerk