12-21-54 City Council MinutesRMULAR MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL December 21, 1954 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Golden Valley, Hennepin County, Minnesota, was held in the Village Hall of said Village on December 21, 1954, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. The following members were present: Bies, Foss, Huebsch, Rahn, and Stark, and the following were absent: None. The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M. MOVED by Rahn seconded by Bies carried that the reading of the minutes of the meeting held on December 8, 1954, be dispensed with and that said minutes be approved as submitted to each member of this Council prior to this meeting unless some member of the audience wishes them read. (The minutes were not read.) Oaths of Office: The Magor, in the presence of the Council and the audience, a ministered the oath of office to Mr. Kenneth W. Rahn., elected to the office,of Trustee, Mr. R. R. Stark, elected to the office of Trustee, Mr. Chester E. Campbell, elected to the office of Justice of Peace, and Mr. William Varner, Jr., elected to the office of Constable, all of said persons having been elected to the offices indicated at the Village Election of December 7, 1954. Said persons sigped the oath of office for their respective offices in the presence of the Deputy Clerk. - Acceptance of-Watermain Improvement No. 2: The Administrative Assistant present an -re a e ter from the G. Mo Orr Engineering Company dated December 9, 1954, said letter stating that the engineers had checked and accepted said improvement and now recommended the acceptance of said improvement by the Council. The Administrative Assistant advised the Council that the engineers recommended the payment of $51,908.19 to the construction company, said sum not including $12,902.86 withheld pending completion of the work in the spring of 1955. MOVED by `Mahn seconded by Bies carried to accept Watermain Improvement No. 2, and to accept the recommendations of the engineers. Welch Construction Company re: Improvement No. 17: The Administrative AbsistEE advisedthe council thatper statement From said company dated June 25, 1954, the balance due on the contract for the installa- tion of storm sewers on Turner's Crossroad was $486.20, that the engineer had allowed extras not exceeding $500.00 more than the contract price at the time of last payment (September 25, 1953), and that said company per statement of above date demanded payment for additional extras in the sum of $974.50, and that the sum of 880.00 of the latter amount could be recommended for payment for connecting an existing storm sewer located at the intersection of Turner's Crossroad and Radisson Read. The Administrative Assistant further stated that if the Council authorized payment of said $80.00 the Village would then owe the sum of $555.20, leaving in conflict the sum of $89..50. The Council inquired of the Administrative Assistant and of Mr. Welch as to whether or not any of the extras were authorized in writing. Both of said persons answered in the negative. Mr. Welch stated that his claims for payment were valid, had been ordered by the Engineer for the Village, but that he would accept the amount of $447.25 as full settlement, said sum being in addition to the sum of $566.20. Member Rahn withdrew a motion denying payment of the claim whereupon the Mayor instructed that the matter be placed on the agenda for the meeting of January 8, 1955, and requested Member Bies to determine why the engineers for the Village refused to honer the company's request for payment of extras. Douglas Drive South: The Administrative Assistant advised the Council that he pl ng map prepared by the planning engineering company of Morell & Nichols, accepted by this Village in 1949, provided for the extension of Douglas Drive southerly from Golden Valley Road to T. H. 12, but that through an error a building permit had been granted to EXACO, Inc., for a commercial building on T. H. 12, and said proposed building lying on the proposed right of way of Douglas Drive South. The Village Engineer presented the proposed route of Douglas Drive South, on a large map. On question, the Administrative Assistant stated that no citizens group had sought the extension of Douglas Drive, but that good planning requires the Village to acquire a north -south street at said location it order to adequately service its citizens, and that at the present time, exclusive of trunk highways, Winnetka Avenue was the only north -south arterial street wholly within the Village. The Council endorsed the proposed extension of Douglas Drive and instructed Member Bies, the Administrative Assistant, and the Village Engineer to ascertain the probable cost should the Village be required to purchase right-of-way near T. H. 12. Executive Meetings The Mayor announced that the annual executive meeting would a old on Monday evening, January 3, 1955, at his home, and incited all members of the Council,to.attend. Re: Duluth Streets (See minutes of December 8, 19544) Messrs. Russell Smith,, Edward Jo on, and Phillip Griffen were present. The ViLlage Engineer presented a map showing the proposed route of Duluth Street' and stated that the cost of constructing said street, with concrete curb and gutter and bituminous pavement would cost $6.00 per front foot, but that with only grading and gravelling would cost approximately $2.00 per front foot. The Council decided that grading and gravelling would be sufficient. Mr. Russell Smith presented a petition requesting the opening and grading of Duluth Street between Winnetka. Avenue and Mendelssohn Avenue. The Council instructed that said petition be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. These present discussed the problem of right-of-way acquisition. Messrs. Smith, Jordon, and Griffen were of the opinion that it would be necessary for the Village to condemn the right-of-way across the property of Mr. Harry Malanke. On question, the Village Attorney stated, that with qualifications, the cost of condemnation of right- of-way can be specially assessed against property benefited by the street. With the approval of the Council the Mayor appointed Members Bies, Foss, and Rahn as a committee to determine the consideration Mr. Malanke wanted as compensation for the dedication of thirty feet of his property for street purposes, it being understood that all staff personnel of the Village are at the disposal of the committee. Bids.- Bond Issue $86,000.00: The Village Clerk presented an affidavit oF pu cation of notice of saleof the 86,000.00 negotiable general obligation improvement bonds of the Village, for which bids were to be received at this meeting in accordance with the resolution adopted by the Village Council on November 30, 1954. Said affidavit was examined, approved, and ordered placed on file. The Village Clerk announced that three sealed bids.had been received which were thereupon opened and read and the highest and best bid on each bidder was found to be as follows: Name of Bidder Average Net Int, Rate Premium E. J. Prescott & Company) Kalman and Compal ) 2.6532 None Juran and Moody ) Allison -Williams Company 2.982 $"101.00 Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood 2.797.4 None and associates *Syndicated bid, agent E. J. Prescott After consideration -of the foregoing bids, Member Rahn introduced the following resolution herein quoted by title and MOVED its adoption. - "RESOLUTION AWARDING SALE OF IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF 1955x. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member Stark and upon vote being taken thereon the following members voted in favor thereof: Bies, Foss, Huebsch, Rahn and Stark, and the following voted against the same: None, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, signed by the Mayor and his signature attested by the Clerk. See Resolutions Book page 163 - Member Rahn then introduced the following resolution herein quoted by title and moved its adoption: "RESOLUTION CREATING 1955 DgFR0VEIulENT BOND SINKING FUND, PROVIDING FOR AND APPROPRIATING SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FOR THE SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE THEREOF, AND DIRECTING ISSUANCE OF IMPROVEKEN'T BONDS OF 1955. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member Stark and upon vote being taken thereon the following members voted in favor thereof: Bies, Foss, Huebsch, Rahn, and Stark, and the following voted against the same: None, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, signed by the Mayor and his signature attested by the Clerk. See Resolutions Book page . Golden Valley Bus Service: The Administrative Assistant presented Ea read a letter from t e Train City Rapid Transit Company dated December 15, 1954s said letter requesting the approval of this Council to extend the Golden Valley bus line from its present terminus at Xerxes Avenue thence on Golden Valley Road to Glenwood - Camden Drive; thence on Golden Valley Road to Zenith Avenue, and on Zenith Avenue into the McNair Manor section of Robbinsdale. MOVED by Stark seconded by Rahn carried to approve the request of the Vain .City Rapid Transit Company as set forth in said letter. Cesspool Service Company: (See minutes of December 85, 1954.) The yor stated that he had investigated the operation and management of the Cesspool Service Company and had found that said company was licensed in Minneapolis, Crystal, Brooklyn Center, Edina, and does business in other municipalities, that their equipment was in excellent condition and MOVED that the license be issued. The above motion was seconded by Member Foss and upon vote being taken thereon all members voted in favor thereof with the exception of Member Rahn who voted "NO". Re: Golden Oaks Fourth Addition: Mr. Russell Smith and Mr. Keith Caswell.. engineer for t , presented the proposed plat of Golden Oaks Fourth Addition and petitioned the Council to grant preliminary acceptance to said plat. MOVED by Stark seconded by Foss carried to grant preliminary approval to the plat of Golden Oaks Fourth Addition as presented and viewed by this Council. Presentation of Plaque: Mr. Robert E. McDonald, representing the construction companies of Peter Lametti Construction Company and Lametti and Sons, Inc., presented the Council with a plaque commemo- rating the construction of Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 1. Mr. 230 McDonald also presented the Council with a chrome -plated spad-e used in the ground -breaking ceremonies. I - On behalf of the Council and the citizens of Golden Valley the Mayor accepted said plaque and spade, and instructed that they be placed on display in the office of the Village Clerk. Ares Village Insurances The Administrative Assistant stated that in is opinion any insurance agent would be willing to criticize the insurance services of another agent, and that the type, kind, and coverage of village insurance is a matter which lies soley within the wisdom and discretion of this Council, and further, that should the present insurance carried by the Village be deemed inadequate in any manner, the best method of determining the sufficiency of the insurance is to call for bids. The Administrative Assistant then presented a tabulation showing the total monetary, cost of insurance for the year 1954. Mr. Winslow Moes, insurance agent for the Village, advised the Council that he would prepare a full table of insurance carried by the Village for the meeting on January 18, 1955. Fire Department Insurance: The Administrative Assistant advised the Council that the workmen's compensation insurance carried by the Village paid medical expenses incurred by reason of accident while on duty, but did not provide for loss of gainful employment for volunteer fireman from their regular jobs, and further, that the latter fact was being appealed to the State Industrial Commission. The Administrative Assistant stated that he had been advised that a special insurance was provided, called nVolunteer Fre Company Blanket Accident Insurance Policy" which would insure volunteer firemen against loss of gainful employment, and read a letter of Mr. Moes', dated December 15, 1954. Mr. Moes, on question, stated that he had inquired whether the insurance under. discussion covered volunteer fireman while engaged in fire duties other than firefighting, but did not yet receive an answer from the insurance company. Assessments, Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 1, vs -?J, 1954.) Mr. Manley Davenport, Industrial Agent for the Minneapolis - Northfield and Southern Railroad Company, presented the members of the Council with maps and data regarding said assessment and advised the Council as follows: 1. Parcel 1200 - approximately 1,03 acres assessed in the amount of ,S269.60, -oiiie�c by the Electric Short Line ' Termi.nal Company, objected to on the grounds not wholly within Sanitary Sewer District No. 1. 2. Parcel 1600 - approximately 3 acres assessed in the amount of $782.71, actually owned by the Minneapolis -Northfield -and Southern and not by the Dan Patch Airline Company. No objections. 3. Parcel 1700 - approximately 1.02 acres assessed in the amount of V265.25T­ow­n_eW by the Minneapolis -Northfield and Southern. No objections. 4. Parcel 1500 - approximately .73 acres assessed in the amount of .70, owned by the Minneapolis -Northfield and Southern. Objected to on the grounds that part of parcel 1500 does not lie in Sanitary Sewer District No. 1. 5. Parcel 2100 - approximately 2 acres assessed in the amount of 01,,043.62,, owned by the Minneapolis -Northfield and Southern. No objections. 6. Parcel 500 - approximately 1.63 acres, assessed in the amount of 18 (. 3.-70b`jected to on grounds parcel 500 is not wholly within Sanitary Sewer District No. 1. 7, Parcel 3100 - approximately 2.30 acres, assessed in the amount of fl.,200-1, objected on the grounds is now owned by the Minneapolis Park Board. a* Parcel 200 - approximately 5.14 acres, in the amount of $1,339.31, owned y _tWe'kinnesota Western Railroad. No objections. 9. Parcel 6000 - shown on the map in colors greenandblue, totaling in tte aggregate approximately 10.28 acres, with 8.06 acres in the portion outlined in reen, and 2.22 with acres in blue, assessed in the total amount of 5,363.75, owned by the Electric Short Line Terminal Company, objected to on the grounds a) no benefit inasmuch as the property shown in green is bounded on both sides by Theodore, Firth Park, b) of that portion of parcel 6000 shown in green, not all of said parcel is within Sanitary Sewer District No. 1, and c) that portion of parcel 6000 shown in blue is not within said sewer district. 10. Parcel 5000 and 1600 --(See letter, dated November 11, 19511, to the Village Attorney., signed by Mr. Davenport.) Parcel 5000, appro- ximately 1.78 acres owned by the Minneapolis -Northfield and Southern assessed in.the amount of $358.74. Objected to as a duplication of the assessment on parcel 1600. Other data was presented and duly noted by the Administrative Assistant. Member Stark stated that in his opinion the railroad companies represented by Mr. Davenport should be relieved of a portion,of the assessment where the railroad right-of-way lies within Theodore Wirth Park. MOVM by Rahn seconded by Foss carried that the Administrative Assistant be instructed to correct the assessment roll where duplications have 232 occurred, where the property is no longer owned by the railroad companies, and where the property assessed is not within the boundaries of Sanitary Sewer District No. 1, Member Stark voted "NO". Acceptance of Roads Schuller's Additions MOVED by Bies seconded By—Rahn carried that all streets n sai addition be accepted upon the recommendation of the Village Engineer and his report that said streets met or exceeded the Village specifications for street construction and that no drainage problems existed at this time, and to authorize the release of the monies placed in escrow with this Village one year from this date. Pay of Election Judges and Clerksa MOVED by Rahn seconded by Foss carriethat the salaries iecTion judges and clerks be inereased from 750 per hour to $1.00 per hour effective immediately. "License" Minneapolis Northfield and Southern Railroad: (See minutes o December U. the request o the Atiorney t Council. deferred said matter until the meeting of January 18th, 1955, He: Water Department Ordinance: MOVED`by Foss seconded by Stark cE;R_e_d to give a second reading to an ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE 'ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO THE MATER WORKS DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS' BY REFERENCE AND REGULATING THE USE OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY WATER SYSTEM". MOVED by Foss seconded by Stark curried to approve the above ordinance, quoted by title on its second reading and,to order publication thereof. See Ordinance Book page . MOVED by Foss seconded by Bies carried to give a first reading to an ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE ISSUANCE OF TAPPING PERMITS TO WATER MAINS OR SEWERS UNLESS ASSESSMENTS THEREFOR HAVE BEEN PAID, AND IF NOT, THE MONEY BE DEPOSITED TO PAY THE ASSESSMENT". MOVED by Foss seconded by Bies carried to approve the ordinance -quoted by title on its second reading and to order publication thereof. See Ordinance Book page . Transfer of Fundss MOVED by Stark seconded by Foss carried to transfer e sum of 64,639.85 from Sanitary Sewer Improvement Fund Nm. 1 to the General Fund as reimbursement to the Village for the overall sanitary sewer survey. MOVED by Stark seconded by Foss carried to authorize the transfer of the sum of $221.76 from P.S.R. Fund to Construction Account #17, said amount of money being due said fund on the grounds that erroneous transfer has heretofore been made. MOVED by Stark seconded by Foss carried to transfer the sum of $3,,706.89 ($20884.93 plus $821.96) from Construction Account #18 to the P.I.R. Fund when monies are available. Cigarette Licenses: MOVED by Rahn seconded by Bies carried to approve the issuance of the following cigarette licenses per applications on file: Number of License To Whom Issued 870 Hyers Mileage Service 871 The Bowery 872 Lawrence Ramacherts 66 873 Valley Drive In 874 Martin -Minnie 875 Par Golf Driving Tee 876 George A. Homberger .877 Glenwood Hills Hospital. Res SurveyDelphian Heights: .The Administrative Assistant advised e ounc a was necessary for the Village to locate accurately all watermains and storm sewer pipes in the Delphian Heights area but that it was impossible to locate said installations without accurately placed block monuments and that the total cost of said work had been estimated by Mr. C. E. Coulter not to exceed a maximum of $1,100.00. MOVED by the Mayor seconded by Bies carried to authorize Mr. C. E. Coulter to locate block monuments throughout the entire area of Delphian Heights, said work to be accomplished at a cost not to exceed $1,100.00 the amount of money due Mr. Coulter to be taken from Sanitary Sewer Improvement Construction Fund No. 1. The Council instructed the Engineer to exercise close supervision over the above work. Re i Land and Hage ttorney to proceed with condemnation of Blumberg land in accordance with changes by the Engineer, moving the location of said sewer line 25 feet northward on higher and better ground. Plat.0 F & R Realty Company, Preliminary Approval.: Mr. Norman Rooney and *—* Te= Caswell, engineer for the F & It Realty Company, petitioned the Council to grant preliminary approval to a plat located west of Noble Avenue, south of Culver Road, and north of the Noble Avenue School. MOVED by Stark seconded by Foss carried to grant preliminary approval to the above described plat subject however, to the approval of the Engineer and the Plat Committee of the Planning Commission. MOVED by Foss seconded by Rahn carried to approve the following bills in the total amount of $5,493.62. 7784 thra 7805 Payroll $2,791.50 7806 Ed Bran, Sheriff 16.00 7807 City Treasurer, City of Mpls. 1,376.33.- 7808 Hearne Brothers 37-50- 7809 Standard Railway Fusee Corp. 26.00 7810 Farnham►s 144.39- 7811 Shell Oil Company 40.00 7812 Royce W. Owens (Petty Cash) 48.14 7813 Standard Oil Company 341.54 . 7814 David Wetter -bind 2.00 7815 Wm H. Ziegler Company 19.78 7816 Minnesota Sand & Gravel 47.99 7817 Minnesota F.W.D. Company 283.59- 7818 Morton Salt Company 55.24 <. 7819 Minneapolis Oxygen Company 9.68- 7820 Demeules Bros. Wire & Iron Works Inc. 249.00-, 7821 Thompson Lumber Company 2.83- 7822 Hanover Tool Sales 2.15-, Total 85.949 MOVED by Bies seconded by Foss carried that the meeting adjourn. ��C P Ha -y --or Attest;4�-,W Village Clerk