2021-06-28 EC Minutes7800 Golden Valley Road I Golden Valley, MN 55427 763-593-80271 TTY 763-593-39681 763-593-8198 (fax) I www.goldenvalleymn.gov golden, -.11*4101 Environmental Commission vallev June 28, 2021— 6:30 prn REGULAR MEETING MINUTES This meeting will be held via Cisco Webex in accordance with the local emergency declaration made by the City under Minn. Stat. § 12.37. The public may monitor this meeting by calling 1-415-655-0001 and entering the meeting code 177 393 4642. For technical assistance, please contact support staff at 763- 593-8007 or webexsupport@goldenvalleymn.gov. If you incur costs to call into the meeting, you may submit the costs to the City for reimbursement consideration. Additional information about for monitoring electronic meetings is available on the City website. 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Chair Seys at 6:34. 2. Roll Call Commissioners present: Scott Seys, Tonia Galonska, Dawn Hill, Shannon Hansen, Wendy Weirich, Felix Fettig, Jim Stemel Commissioners absent: Debra Yahle Council Members present: Larry Fonnest Staff present: Eric Eckman, Environmental Resources Supervisor; Drew Chirpich, Environmental Specialist; Story Schwantes, Green Corp Member; Carrie Nelson, Administrative Assistant. 3. Approval of Agenda MOTION by Commissioner Galonska, seconded by Commissioner Hill to approve the agenda for June 28, 2021 and the motion carried. 4. Approval of May 24, 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes MOTION by Commissioner Seys, seconded by Commissioner Hansen to approve the minutes of May 24, 2021 as submitted and the motion carried. S. Old Business A. EC/HRC Climate Justice Collaboration i. Focus on the Hwy 55 West Redevelopment Area 1. Reach out to area businesses and homeowners to see there's any interest in partnering with us. 2. Reach out to the schools and the Golden Valley Garden Club for a possible partnership. 3. Look at Green Equity, not just Tree Equity 1. Native Planting, Community Garden, Prairie Restoration, Trees. This document is available in alternate formats upon a 72-hour request. Please call 763-593-8006 (TTY: 763-593-3968) to make a request. Examples of alternate formats may include large print, electronic, Braille, audiocassette, etc. City of Golden Valley Environmental Commission Regular Meeting June 28, 2020 — 6:30 pm 4. TreeEquityScore.org 1. An online resource that gives tree equity data by census block. B. Student Outreach & Engagement MOTION by Commissioner Seys, seconded by Commissioner Galonska to approve recommending a change in the bylaws with a code change to allow the Commission to have up to two youth members and the motion carried. N C. Partners in Energy Update L There is a low income program flyer about Energy Assistance Programs and the Low - Income Home Energy Squad visits to distribute to community organizations like PRISM. ii. Staff has prepared website and social media posts for the low income programs that will be coming out soon. iii. Staff is finalizing the Residential Home Energy Squad agreement for Council consideration. iv. Aiming for a summer informational push for Renewable (Solar) Energy. 1. PIE will create a checklist for the solar process to put on the GV website. GV staff will provide the permitting process info. 2. PIE will create social media posts about solar and renewable options. D. GreenStep Cities Update The City has achieved Step 5. There isn't currently a Step 6, but you can achieve Step 5 multiple times as there are 29 total areas in Step 5. The City has completed/made improvements in 6 of those areas. 1. Street lights owned by the City & utility. 2. City employees in single occupancy vehicles: Vehicle miles traveled per person, per day, round trip. 3. Net number of new trees planted. 4. Ratio of inflow and infiltration volume to total volume entering the wastewater collection system. 5. Number of City -owned and private renewable energy generation sites. 6. Generation capacity of City -Owned and private renewable energy sites. E. Environmental Resources Needs The EC isn't structured the same is the Planning Commission. The PC has certain powers the EC doesn't have, especially when it comes to land use. A lot of Commissions are changing their name to better reflect what their Commission does. The Human Rights Commission and the Rising Tides Task Force combined to become the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. 2. The Civil Service Commission will be the Peace Commission 3. Do you want to review the EC's working title 1. Possibly the Environmental and Sustainability Commission? City of Golden Valley Environmental Commission Regular Meeting June 28, 2020 — 6:30 pm 3 iii. Staff reviewed the duties and responsibilities of permanent environmental staff within the engineering division. iv. Temp and Seasonal Employees: 1. MN GreenCorps Members are 11-month full-time employees. We're not guaranteed a member. Member cannot work on efforts like energy action if it benefits for -profit businesses. 2. Water Resources Intern —They do a lot of field work. 3. Hennepin County Sentencing to Service Crews —They work with the water and natural resources like buckthorn removal. 4. Citizen Volunteers —They can adopt a pond or open space to care for. v. Some commission members suggested that the City add permanent full-time staff to help support and advance the City's environmental projects, programs, and plans. vi. When developing the commission's work plan, recognize staff has many responsibilities and take into consideration the staff time needed for items on the plan. F. Update on Zero Waste/Organics Recycling Events i. Working to create a more consistent volunteer base for the Market in the Valley. 1. Volunteersignup.org/9APR4 ii. Also working with the vendors to work toward zero waste. 6. New Business A. Stormwater Program — Rain Barrels L The Recycling Association of Minnesota (RAM) partners with local governments on a rain barrel sale every spring. ii. Cities are encouraged, but not required, to cover some percentage of the cost for residents. 1. SLP covers 50% of the approximately $80. Brooklyn Center, Crystal, and New Hope covers $20. 2. Does RAM have the ability to determine low income residents to do a two -tiered equitable payment option? 3. Where would City store 60 barrels? 4. How would property maintenance staff view the rain barrels? iii. Commissioners decided they would like more information before bringing forward a motion to go ahead with a rain barrel sale. B. Update on Pollinator Progress June is pollinator awareness month. City staff have revised many recent contracts to reflect the City's increased efforts to support pollinators. 1. Updated specifications for contracts to reduce the amount of chemical used. 2. Giving mechanical removal and treatment methods priority. 3. Explicitly prohibiting the use of neonicotinoids and plants that may have been treated with chemicals containing neonicotinoids. City of Golden Valley Environmental Commission Regular Meeting June 28, 2020 — 6:30 pm iii. GV manages about 35 Native Vegetation areas throughout the City to provide and enhance pollinator habitat, protect water quality, and provide aesthetic interest to patrons in these areas. C. Program/Project Updates i. None D. Council Updates 0 i. Golden Valley received $2.3 million in Federal Assistance from the Coronavirus Recovery Fund. This will be part of the budget conversations beginning in August. E. Other Business i. None 7. Adjournment MOTION by Commissioner Galonska, seconded by Commissioner Stremel to adjourn the meeting at 8:27 pm and the motion carried. ATTEST: i A A- 0 (le �U—Vvx Carrie Nelson, Administrative Assistant vkj",4 4�� Wendy W irich, Chair