2021-06-15DocuSign Envelope ID: 36481A83-7D76-4B07-AF67-D48CF02C8B75 7800 Golden Valley Road I Golden Valley, MN 55427 City 0 763 595-8072 (7TY 763593 39681 ?63-5R3 8109 (fax) I uvyvur.goldenvaileymn.yovgold'nlo.'.�•valley Housing & Redevelopment y Authority June 15, 2021— 6:30 pm In light of the recently declared COVID-19 health pandemic, the Mayor of the City of Golden Valley declared a local emergency under Minnesota Statute, section 12.37. In accordance with that declaration, beginning on March 16, 2020, all meetings of the City Council held during the emergency were conducted by telephone or other electronic means. The City used WebEx to conduct this meeting electronically. Members of the public were able to monitor the meetings by watching it on Comcast cable channel 16, by streaming it on CCXmedia.org, and by dialing in to the public call -in line The public was able to participate in this meeting during public comment sections, including the public forum, by dialing in to the public call -in line. REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Housing and Redevelopment Authority Chair Harris. 1A. Roll Call Commissioners present: Chair Maurice Harris, Commissioners Larry Fonnest, Shep Harris, Gillian Rosenquist and Kimberly Sanberg Staff present: HRA Director Cruikshank, HRA Attorney Cisneros, Physical Development Director Nevinski, Housing/Economic Development Manager Shoquist, Finance Director Virnig, Planning Manager Zimmerman, City Planner Campbell, and City Clerk Schyma 2. Approval of Agenda Motion by Rosenquist, Second by S. Harris to approve the meeting agenda as submitted. Motion carried 5-0. (In Favor: Fonnest, M. Harris, S. Harris, Rosenquist, Sanberg. Opposed: N/A) 3. Consent Agenda Motion by Fonnest, Second by Sanberg to approve the Consent Agenda as submitted. Motion carried 5-0. (In Favor: Fonnest, M. Harris, S. Harris, Rosenquist, Sanberg. Opposed: N/A) A. Approval of Minutes: 1. HRA Work Session — November 10, 2020 2. HRA Special Meeting — December 1, 2020 3. HRA Meeting — March 16, 2021 4. HRA Work Session — May 11, 2021 B. Receive and File Quarterly Financial Reports DocuSign Envelope ID: 36481A83-7D76-4B07-AF67-D48CF02C8B75 City of Golden Valley June 15, 2021— 6:30 prn 4. Public Hearing S. Old Business 6. New Business HRA Regular Meeting Minutes A. Approval of Amendment and Assignment of the Development Agreement from Golden Villas, LLC to PC Hello, LLC Housing/Economic Development Manager Shoquist presented the staff report and answered questions from the HRA. Mike Mergens, attorney for the seller, was present and available for questions. Laura Lorek, property manager for the seller, was present and available for questions. The Commissioners discussed Tax Increment Financing (TIF) payments, current parking issues on site including during the winter months, new property management, and the obligations and responsibilities the new buyer assumes with the development agreement. Motion by Fonnest, Second by S. Harris to approve the First Amendment and Assignment of the Private Development Agreement from Golden Villas, LLC to PC Hello, LLC. Motion carried 5-0. (In Favor: Fonnest, M. Harris, S. Harris, Rosenquist, Sanberg. Opposed: N/A) B. Approve Amended Lease with D'Amico Catering, LLC Physical Development Director Nevinski presented the staff report and answered questions from Council. Motion by Sanberg, Second by Rosenquist to approve the lease extension with D'Amico Catering LLC and authorize the execution of the lease by the Chair and Executive Director in a form approved by the City Attorney. Motion carried 5-0. (In Favor: Fonnest, M. Harris, S. Harris, Rosenquist, Sanberg. Opposed: N/A) 7. Adjournment Motion by Rosenquist, Second by S. Harris to adjourn the meeting at 6:58 pm. Motion carried 5-0. (In Favor: Fonnest, M. Harris, S. Harris, Rosenquist, Sanberg. Opposed: N/A) �jDocuSigned by: DocuSigned by: ATTEST 5/ � r Theresa Schyma, City Clerk Maurice Harris, Chair