2021-09-21DocuSign Envelope ID: 36481A83-7D76-4B07-AF67-D48CF02C8675 7800 Golden Valley Road I Golden Valley, MN 55427 763-593-80121 TTY 763-593-39681 763-593-8109 (fax) I www.goldenvalleynin.gov Housing & Redevelopment Authority REGULAR MEETING MINUTES c'lfyc�f. Dlt��Yt val l Y September 21, 2021— 6:30 pm Hybrid Meeting Housing and Redevelopment Authority are being conducted in a hybrid format with in -person and remote options for attending, participating, and commenting. The public was able to make statements in this meeting during public comment sections, including the public forum beginning at 6:20 pm. I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Housing and Redevelopment Authority Chair Harris. 1A. Roll Call Commissioners present: Chair Maurice Harris, Commissioners Larry Fonnest, Shep Harris, Gillian Rosenquist and Kimberly Sanberg Staff present: HRA Director Cruikshank, HRA Attorney Cisneros, Physical Development Director Nevinski, Housing/Economic Development Manager Shoquist, Finance Director Virnig, and City Clerk Schyma 2. Approval of Agenda Motion by S. Harris, Second by Sanberg to approve the meeting agenda as submitted. Motion carried 5-0. 3. Consent Agenda Motion by Rosenquist, Second by Fonnest to approve the Consent Agenda as submitted. Motion carried 5-0. A. Receive and File Quarterly Financial Reports B. Approve HRA Resolution No. 21-02, Amendment to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority By -Laws 4. Public Hearing 5. Old Business 6. New Business A. Adopt Proposed 2022-2023 Budget and Levy, HRA Resolution No. 21-03 DocuSign Envelope ID: 36481A83-7D76-4B07-AF67-D48CF02C8B75 City of Golden Valley HRA Regular Meeting Minutes 2 September 21, 2021— 6:30 pm Finance Director Virnig presented the report and was available for questions. Motion by S. Harris, Second by Fonnest to approve Resolution No. 21-03 Approving Proposed Budget and Proposed HRA Levy Payable in 2022. Motion carried 5-0. (In Favor: Fonnest, M. Harris, S. Harris, Rosenquist, Sanberg. Opposed: N/A) 7. Adjournment Motion by Rosenquist, Second by Sanberg to adjourn the meeting at 6:48 pm. Motion carried 5-0. FFuSypoed by: 1 ¢,—, Maurice Harris, Chair ATTEST: C2F66 0073F34DD... Theresa Schyma, City Clerk