minutes-dei-may-24 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Call to Order Chair Allen called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. Roll Call Commissioners in person: Ruth Paradise, Joelle Allen, Drew Jones, Melissa Johnson, Teresa Sit, Carol Luo Ajani Woodson, Commissioners virtual: Chris Mitchell Commissioners absent: Thomas Huling, Sheri Hixon Staff present: Kiarra Zackery, Equity and Inclusion Manager Theresa Schyma, City Clerk Approval of April 26 agenda and March 22 minutes MOTION by Commissioner Luo for the approval of the agenda and minutes. Seconded by Vice Chair Woodson. Motion carried. New Member Introductions and Oath of Office Equity and Inclusion manager, Kiarra Zackery swears the newly appointed Commissioner, Carol Luo, to the Commission. The Commission then provides a brief introduction to one another. Updates A. Council Chamber Construction and Future Meeting Locations During the remodeling of the Council Chambers, the Commission will be changing the location of the meeting temporarily. The upcoming meetings will be held at Brookview Community Center and Hennepin County Library. B. Budget and Council Update The City underbudgeted for 2021 which led opportunities for staff to recommend how to allocate the funds. Equity and Inclusion manager, Kiarra Zackery, proposed the City to distribute a portion of the funds to the Equity division. The City approved a one-time budget of $12,500 designated to the DEI Commission for 2022. April 26, 2022 – 6:30 pm Council Conference Room Golden Valley City Hall 7800 Golden Valley Road City of Golden Valley Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commission Regular Meeting April 26, 2022 – 6:30 pm 2 C. OSRC + Naming Policy Open Space and Recreation Commission would like to collaborate with DEIC to help with naming different parks and buildings within the City. Parks and Recreation and OSRC Commission liaison, Rick Birno, will be attending a future DEIC meeting to help discuss further details. D. Virtual Meeting Request Forms Equity and Inclusion manager, Kiarra Zackery, provides an update and overview of the Virtual Attendance policy. Chair Allen asks if a Commissioner is not able to attend in person, and cannot provide the required time to fill out a Virtual Meeting Form, can the Commission make an exception to attend the meeting virtually as an observer and not an active voter. MOTION by Commissioner Paradise to make Commissioners as observers. Seconded by Johnson. Motion carried MOTION by Commissioner Luo to amend agenda. Seconded by Paradise. Motion carried. E. Police Department Update Equity and Inclusion manager informs the Commission about the new Chief of Police, Virgil Green’s start date. She also discusses the recruitment for police officers and opportunities to help create content for the recruitment team. Work plan Chair Allen provides a quarterly breakdown of events, potential expenses for the year, and a drafted plan to present to the Council. Events such as the quarterly BAEGV event, MLK Contest, and Bill Hobbs awards were discussed. There were also opportunities for the Commission to provide feedback and briefly talk about timing and strategic promotion for DEIC events. Changes and additions were added to the work plan. Land Acknowledgement Resolution Equity and Inclusion manager, Kiarra Zackary presents the land acknowledgement resolution to the Commission. The resolution was produced by using language Commissioner Hixon and Commissioner Paradise created and an example of a previous land acknowledgement done by Sacramento, California. Discussions revolving changes of language were involved and the Commission agreed to receive more feedback and perspectives from indigenous groups of people to ensure the resolution and message is being presented correctly. Community Engagement Updates – Allianz City of Golden Valley Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commission Regular Meeting April 26, 2022 – 6:30 pm 3 Vice Chair Woodson updates the Commission on the Allianz and DEIC collaboration. Mayor Harris will be in attendance and Vice Chair Woodson will be presenting questions. Adjourn MOTION by Commissioner Johnson to adjourn at 8:30pm. Seconded by Luo. Motion carried. __________________________ Date _________________________________ Kiarra Zackery, Equity and Inclusion Manager _____________________________ Date _________________________________ Joelle Allen, Chair