2022-10-13-Agenda-PEACE Commission REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Remote Attendance: Members of the public may attend this meeting in person or via Webex or by calling +1-415-655-0001 and entering meeting number 2464 747 1082 1. Call to Order 2. Land Acknowledgment: We acknowledge and honor the Dakota nation, on whose ancestral land the City of Golden Valley is built, and whose land resources we use. We commit to counteracting the erasure of the cultural practices and presence of the Dakota people and through education and by amplifying a wide range of indigenous voices. 3. Attendance/Roll Call ☐ Randy Anderson ☐ Madeline Ryan ☐ Shelli Bakken ☐ Andrew Wold ☐ Henry Crosby ☐ Loretta Arradondo ☐ Alicia Dang ☐ Roslyn Harmon ☐ Trey Gladney ☐ Janet Frisch ☐ Charlie Quimby Staff Present: 4. Approval of Agenda 5. Approval of Minutes 6. Bylaws, Voting, Subcommittee Business 7. Community Engagement event “What’s Your Sign? 8. Coordination with Police Department re: staffing status, collaborative work, PD representation on PEACE October 13th, 2022 – 6:30 pm Council Conference Room Golden Valley City Hall 7800 Golden Valley Road City of Golden Valley PEACE Commission Regular Meeting October 13th, 2022 – 6:30 pm 2 9. City Council interviews of prospective PEACE Commissioners—questions and process. 10. Mailing List 11. Staff Updates 12. Adjournment _______________________________________ Trey Gladney, Chair _______________________________________ Airrion Williams, Staff Liaison REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm 2. Land Acknowledgment: We acknowledge and honor the Dakota nation, on whose ancestral land the City of Golden Valley is built, and whose land resources we use. We commit to counteracting the erasure of the cultural practices and presence of the Dakota people and through education and by amplifying a wide range of indigenous voices. 3. Attendance/Roll Call ☐ Randy Anderson ☒ Madeline Ryan ☒ Shelli Bakken ☒ Andrew Wold ☒ Henry Crosby ☐ Loretta Arradondo ☒ Alicia Dang ☒ Roslyn Harmon ☒ Trey Gladney ☐ Janet Frisch ☒ Charlie Quimby Staff Present: Airrion Williams, Community Connections and Outreach Specialist ; Levi Siljander, GV Police Officer (Not official PD representative) 4. Approval of Agenda MOTION to amend agenda to strike Bill Hobbs award nomination item from Chair Gladney. Commissioner Quimby 2nd. Chair Gladney motioned to approve agenda as amended. 5. Approval of Minutes MOTION to approve minutes for August 11th, 2022 by Commissioner Bakken. Commissioner Quimby 2nd. Commissioner Wold abstains from voting on minutes because he wasn’t present. 6. Swearing in of GV Police Chief, Virgil Green Chair Gladney shared history of black leaders in law enforcement and in government. Gladney thanked the commission for its commitment to making sure we had hired a qualified candidate, but also shared how important it was for PEACE to help Chief Green get acclimated. Commissioner Quimby shared how successful the swearing in ceremony was. Commissioner Crosby September 8th, 2022 – 6:30 pm Council Conference Room Golden Valley City Hall 7800 Golden Valley Road City of Golden Valley PEACE Commission Regular Meeting September 8th, 2022 – 6:30 pm 2 shared how happy he was to meet officers at the ceremony and how happy he was to have Officer Siljander present as a guest at the PEACE Commission meeting. 7. Subcommittee Updates Hiring Subcommittee: Commissioner Bakken asked for clarification on the open meeting law, in regard to an email Charlie Quimby sent. Commissioner Wold explained the purpose of the laws and why we cannot have a quorum present in any communication tool. Bakken gave the update for the recruitment subcommittee. The subcommittee looked at the workplan and shared that the subcommittee needs to understand the onboarding and hiring process. They have set up meetings with Kirsten Santelices to understand the process. Chair Gladney asked Community Connections and Outreach Specialist Williams about the “Reimagining Public Safety” Data Committee and Policy Committee. Williams shared that the Data team and Policy team haven’t met yet, but the PEACE representatives are Commissioners Dang and Anderson. Commissioner Wold shared the data points that the Civil Service Commission collected as an example for what Hiring Subcommittee can request. Data included Demographic data, what qualifies an officer, and the hiring process. Quimby questioned why we don’t put an emphasis on why people are leaving. Wold shared that there is currently focus on recruiting, but retention is still important because its expensive to lose officers. Officer Siljander shared that retention is the most important thing for now because the PD is losing training officers, making it more difficult to onboard officers. Bakken shared that she participated in Sergeant in terviews. Bakken shared that communications and scheduling have been a challenge. Wold suggested that the Hiring Subcommittee understands the distinction between onboarding and recruiting process. Data Subcommittee: Commissioner Dang shared that Data hasn’t had the opportunity to meet. Dang shared that’s she’s looking forward to the Pohlad training October 5th and Chat and Chew event on October 6th. Commissioner Dang shared that the Data Subcommittee needs clarification on what demographic data and other data points are protected by data privacy. Wold shared that the information needed to be given voluntarily, in the aggregate, and declassified. 8. Community Mapping Commissioner Quimby shared that he would like to engage block captains to improve community and police relations, share information, and create solutions. Quimby suggested starting with listening sessions. Commissioner Crosby shared that the block captains serve as leaders and are resource for PEACE to share what PEACE is doing. Quimby shared that reinventing Neighborhood watch is still a focus of the Community Engagement Committee. Quimby shared that we cant access the names or contact information for block captains. City of Golden Valley PEACE Commission Regular Meeting September 8th, 2022 – 6:30 pm 3 Wold suggested one of the PEACE Commissioners serve as a block captain to get the information and build relationships. Chair Gladney shared that he thinks back to Trayvon Martin and wants to make sure that we are improving the model to be culturally competent and provide training for block captains. 9. Staff Updates - GVPD Hiring Wold asked if we can contract officers to train new hires if necessary. Levi shared that the PD has contracted. - Pohlad Grant “Chat and Chew” is October 6th from 4-6pm. - Peace and Love Circle with Sweet Potato Comfort Pie and One Good Deed is September 22nd from 630-8pm. - Assistant Chief White wants to visit PEACE Commission quarterly and wants PEACE to chose the dates they want her to attend. Officer Siljander shared that he wants to come back to a PEACE Commission meeting and shared that he is open to doing ride-alongs with PEACE Commissioners. 10. Adjournment Motion to adjourn by Commissioner Wold, 2nd by Chair Gladney _______________________________________ Trey Gladney, Chair _______________________________________ Airrion Williams, Staff Liaison Hello, Lee. I’m reaching out to you in hopes of finding an individual at General Mills who would have an interest in participating in this community discussion. It’s a relatively small event of leaders from across important segments of Golden Valley. I’d be happy to discuss this in person or to be referred to the appropriate department for this invitation. Whenever I pass through Golden Valley, I’m struck by the diversity of yard signs expressing residents’ attitudes toward their community. Some are protective, others welcoming and supportive. Taken together, they voice a shared desire for wellbeing. Because you are involved in community life, we’re inviting you to join a special discussion called What’s Your Sign?: Viewing public safety through a community-centered lens, sponsored by Golden Valley’s PEACE Commission on Saturday, November 5th. This initial session brings together neighborhood leaders, business owners, and local institutions. Small groups will discuss the public safety-related concerns that loom largest in Golden Valley and explore how citizens might help the Police Department innovate and transform to provide inclusive, community- centered service. These conversations are just the beginning. They will help us identify willing partners for future initiatives as well as inform the Commission’s efforts to engage the whole community. Your participation will help ensure that diverse views are heard. Whether or not you are able to join us on November 5, please let us know by replying to this email. Sincerely, Charlie Quimby Community Engagement subcommittee chair 612-749-3386 The Golden Valley PEACE Commission helps the Police Department innovate and transform its provision of public safety services based on community input and needs to assure that the department provides inclusive, community-centered service. WHAT’S YOUR SIGN? Viewing public safety through a community-centered lens Why we’re here: 5 Premises 1. We’re a safe city. 2. Neighboring cities are troubled by unacceptable levels of crime and violence. 3. Unconscious bias and varied interpretations of equity exist in our community. 4. The GVPD has experienced major attrition and needs to recover and reconnect. 5. Golden Valley has the opportunity to innovate and repair relations. Objectives •Deepen PEACE perspective on community concerns •Identify community resources and opportunities to collaborate •Lay groundwork for PEACE priorities for 2023 Attendees: Invitation only,20-25 community leaders and invested stakeholders Diverse views and professional experiences Follow up report to City,attendees and community Meeting Agenda November 5th, 3-5pm Brookview Community Center Introduction & Overview 5 Minutes •5X5 Cohort discussions 50 Minutes •Check-in, reset tables 5 Minutes •5x5 Cross-Sectional discussions 50 Minutes •Next Steps & informal hang time Different Lenses on Public Safety DEI Diversity,Equity, Inclusion PEACE Staffing,Data, Community Pohlad Innovation & Equity Police Listening & Research Community Building Storytelling Partners COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT DEIPEACEPohladPolice Block Captains Community Stakeholders General Public Listening & Research Community Building Storytelling Partners Cohort Conversations Reporting Follow-up •City Council •GVPD •PEACE •Community 5 Tables X 5 People 2 Conversations 1.Issues, experiences, perceptions and priorities. Regroup Cohorts 2. Resources, relationships, opportunities for solutions. Cohort Lenses: Issue Priorities Place Systems Equity YouthBeliefs •What public safety-related issues are of most concern in your world? •Where would you focus for the greatest or most immediate improvement? Cohort Lenses: Resources & Relations Services Information Community Resources AccountabilityInstitutions •What resources and practices should become part of community-police relations? •Where do we see the greatest opportunities to impact police services and equitable treatment?